There’s a scene in the Liam Neeson movie “Taken” where he’s on the phone with his daughter. Men are there to kidnap her and she’s a world away from him in Europe. As a former intel agent, he knows what’s going to happen and realizes there’s no way to stop it. As much as he’d love to come up with a way for his daughter to escape or fight off the assailants, he knows the best thing he can do is to prepare her by telling her the truth.
“Now, the next part is very important — they’re going to take you,” he said.
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That’s similar to how I feel about the current onslaught of national crises. I’d love nothing more than to tell my audience that if we do this or if someone else does that, we’re going to be just fine and America will be great again. Unfortunately, the writing on the wall is undeniable. Unless God acts on our behalf in ways nobody expects and none of us deserve, then things are going to get much worse in the near future.
For those who need a pep talk, this isn’t it. This is a wakeup call. Most in my audience are very well aware of the troubles we face, but seeing some of these challenges listed together may bring necessary perspective. My priorities are to spread the truth of the Bible, share the truth of this world, and offer solutions. I’d love to be the guy who could prioritize offering solutions over sharing the truth of this world, but I’m just better at being a journalist than an organizer.
With that said, this “doom and gloom” article is intended to alert people that if they aren’t bracing for impact yet, it’s time to start. If you’ve been bracing for impact already, then please help spread the word. Many of us do not have the time or resources to fully protect ourselves and our families, so focusing on that is the best we can do.
For those who have the time and resources, I’d ask you to help others to see the light and make themselves prepared as well. It behooves us all to have as many Americans awake as possible. We’ll need as many allies as we can get who will not be beholden to government for their survival. Together, we can either fight what’s coming (because we keep fighting the good fight even if we think our chances are slim) or to help rebuild when it’s over.
The partial list of existential threats in our immediate future includes challenges that, by themselves, are huge. Combining them into this perfect storm of simultaneous catastrophes makes it all seem insurmountable without divine intervention… and that’s the point. The globalist elite cabal continuously call it the “policrisis.” They need all of the bad things happening within the same short window to make it nearly impossible for us to overcome them all.
They have “solutions” in mind. For the masses to accept them, the powers-that-be need us broken, desperate, and willing to give them everything just to be able to survive.
Before I get to the list of challenges, it’s important to note something for those who are not as pessimistic as I am. Getting prepared by weening ourselves from government and reducing our reliance on “the system” is a good thing even if my predictions of impending doom do not come to pass.
Americans in general are far too plugged into “the system” even in the best of times. Keep that in mind if you think that I’m just fearmongering. I AM expressing tremendous fears, but only because I want people to make changes in their lives that will benefit them whether the apocalypse is nigh or if we, Lord willing, can recover from all of this.
Here are just some of the major challenges we’re facing:
- The border crisis has been a blazing inferno for over two years and the fall of Title 42 will be like dropping napalm on the already-massive flames.
- Our current banking crisis appears to be by design. The powers-that-be want the American financial system to be consolidated under the handful of megabanks, so even if you never wanted your money with JPMorgan Chase or Bank of America, the Powers and Principalities will try to force you into them.
- The food supply in America is secretly in a state of utter shambles. The effects of manufactured events over the last couple of years will be felt over the next couple of years as there’s a delay between cause and effect in such a massive system.
- Control of energy infrastructure is quietly being consolidated while the untenable shift to “green” energy will decimate the already-limited stability of the grid.
- Normalization of health scares that started with the Covid plandemic and continues with outbreaks of other diseases being tested in the wild will further empower the medical tyranny industry. What we saw with Covid lockdowns was just a taste of the draconian measures they have in store for the next plandemic.
- LGBTQIA+ Supremacy isn’t just about brainwashing leftists and children into questioning how they were created by God. It’s about furthering the post-truth society they need for their plans to work. By putting personal truth (“I feel like a girl so I must be a girl”) over objective truth (“I have a penis so I’m a boy”), they create a mass psychosis in which those who know the truth feel compelled to share in the lies. With such a mass psychosis in place, society in general can be herded into whatever slaughterhouse the powers-that-be choose.
- The massive rise in random violence will be the predicate for disarming the people and establishing an absolute police state. It isn’t just the mass murders that make the news. It’s the ongoing acceleration of pointless acts of violence. Before, we had to be concerned about being mugged for our possessions. That’s obviously wrong, but at least we could comprehend how greed or desperation could drive people to act like that. Today, we’re seeing far more violence for the sake of violence as even children are attacking each other just so they can be seen on a viral TikTok video.
That’s the partial list. Notice I didn’t even mention massive, widespread voter fraud making elections fruitless. I didn’t mention upcoming wars with Russia, China, or both. I didn’t mention that the Biden-Harris regime and the Uniparty Swamp on Capitol Hill are enacting policies and orders that are dragging our nation down. If I put together a full list of massive threats, this article would be too long for most to read.
Again, I’m not trying to be a fearmonger in a negative way. But there are plenty of commentators and show hosts out there who make a living off “Hopium” by delivering false predictions that all the bad guys are about to get arrested and all the good guys are going to be put into power. I’m not one of them. My hope is firmly set in the fact that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, so no matter how bad things get in this world, the next world is inconceivably better.
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Knowing this doesn’t change my concerns for the here and now. It only allows me to not crumble under the weight of knowing this nation that I love is being brought down in a controlled demolition by people who may or may not even realize how evil they are. Unfortunately, many of the bad guys we face think they’re the good guys, and that makes them even more dangerous than your average greedy or power-hungry Bond villain.
So, what do we do in the face of such turmoil? As a Bible-believing Christian, the first step is embracing the word of the Gospels and repenting. It may even be the last step for many, and if that’s the only step you take then you’re in the best of hands.
If we are to survive as a nation, we need as many Americans as possible to be able to survive and even thrive WITHOUT government, and in many cases without society itself. If and when everything comes crashing down, it will happen suddenly. Currently, we’re seeing the creeping of catastrophes upon us. A little inflation here, a little food shortage there. A bank collapse here, a company declaring bankruptcy there. It’s all important but it’s being done in waves so as not to sound too many alarms. But when the time comes for the next stage of their machinations, it will be sudden, hitting the vast majority of Americans like a tyrannical blitzkrieg.
We’re on an existential roller coaster right now. We’re slowly creeping to the summit. Once we cross over the top and gravity takes hold, the ride will change completely.
We cannot stop the societal collapse that’s coming. God can if He chooses to, but my gut tells me His plans as detailed in Biblical prophecy are unfolding before our eyes. That means persecution and calamity. But even if these aren’t the Biblical end times, the powers-that-be seem bent on duplicating the scenarios detailed in prophecy.
One world government. One world currency. One world religion.
Famine. Pestilence. War.
It’s time to get prepared. If you’ve already loaded up on everything you need, great! Help others see the light. If you haven’t started, no worries! Start now. If you’re already heading in that direction, move faster! This isn’t one of those situations where if you’re not ready when the crap hits the fan, that it’ll still be alright. For many, especially those still living in the cities, being a little prepared will not go very far for very long.
The last few weeks have been a whirlwind in my life as we’ve made many changes to my online presence and priorities. Those who watch my show likely know I went from 5+ episodes per week to sporadic at best. That’s something that will, Lord willing, go back to normal soon. I mention it because I will be talking a lot more about preparedness on my show going forward.
I will also be putting more of a focus on my Late Prepper Substack. We are accumulating topics so I can commit very soon to a once-daily evening newsletter with tips. It isn’t what I say there that makes it great. It’s the discussions in the comment section that I hope will be the most enlightening as new preppers ask questions and experienced preppers offer answers.
We can get through this together if we’re able as individuals to get through this alone. I know it sounds counterintuitive to some but the best way to either save America or be there to rebuild after it collapses is by being strong as individuals and families. The more people that are doing their part by preparing themselves, the better our chances of coming out of this in once piece.
As for my fellow Bible-believers, we know that the evil of this world will be vanquished in the end.
I wanted to put my sponsors at the very bottom of this article rather than mentioning them in the article itself so nobody thought this was written to be self-serving. If readers stop now, my intentions of sharing the realities of our situation will have been fulfilled.
With that said, I choose my sponsors based solely on whether they are mission-critical or not. I have passed on dozens of very lucrative sponsorships because I only want to offer things people actually need in order for America to survive. You’d be shocked how much money show hosts make when selling tiny plots of land in Scotland that allegedly bestow titles of “Lord” or “Lady.” It’s more than I make by selling gold or food, that’s for sure!
Here are some of my sponsors:
- Long-Term Storage Beef: This is my company. We sell sous vide, freeze-dried beef cubes for long-term storage.
- Gold and Silver: Invariably, someone will comment that “you can’t eat silver coins.” This is true, but considering the banking collapse and rise of the Digital Dollar, it behooves Americans to protect their life’s savings with physical precious metals.
- Long-Term Storage Antibiotics: Shortages of life-saving drugs have already started happening. If the next plandemic crashes the healthcare industry and pharmaceutical supply chains, government will take over. That means no antibiotics for anyone who isn’t compliant. Our partners at Jase send five commonly needed antibiotics to store away or use today.
- Ammo: Just in case.
Thank you, and God Bless.
I’ve never feared the Lord anywhere near as much as I do now. All day, every day, it is impressed upon me that judgment is coming. It’s coming because the Lord wills it. And if it be God’s will, we can do nothing to stop Him.
Just posting on the previous article, looking up and referencing scripture, I was convicted myself, when I posted Rev. 21:8. “But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” – Rev. 21:8
First two sins mentioned – cowardice (fearing men rather than God), and faithlessness.
It’s good to be prepared for what’s likely coming. But those we fear will rule us. They’ll use that fear to move us. Fear the Lord, and only Him. Stand on His immovable, unchanging word. Stand on the solid rock, and you shall not be moved.
God bless you JD. Stand strong my friend.
Perfectly articulated —– those who are aware probably feel like that ancient farmer tilling his soil, accompanied by his wife and daughter, when they hear the thundering hoofs of over a thousand Mongol warriors on horseback approaching —- the famer knows his warm days are over, he will be no more, and his wife and child raped and sold into slavery!
And there is no action they can take to avoid the horrors to befall them!
As one who has been a volunteer on too many wasted projects and groups over the decades, we who fought against this day feel an overwhelming sense of futulity at arriving at this point —- and it is way too late although the self—deluding oblivions will never accept this.
In 1976, Congressman Larry McDonald stated:
“The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government, combining super-capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control … Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.”
Take care.
Niether the author nor this commenter know God at all. If they did they are suppose to know that once God makes a Covenant HE KEEPS IT. He does NOT break His Word. Period. He has made a Covenant with America. He aiS keeping it. No Weapon FORMED against us will ever prosper. We have prayer Warriors
around the world interceeding 24/7 for America and it’s the prayers of us righteous that avail much.not the mere few that don’t really Know God and a pessimist doom and gloomers. Got news for them. There are billions more then just 10 righteous around today. America is saved and delivered. No where is all of correct history has God ever let the righteous be forsaken. The Word from the Lord for this year 2023 forward is the maximum success for believers AND the maximum PUNISHMENT of the wicked. For we who know God KNOW it is the wicked’s end that is happening . Not if those things listed are more powerful then the Lord our God Almighty ever . It is the devil who is defeated and under our feet. Not one darned thing will ever defeated people but fear. So that will happen to THEM. As for the 9999999.9999999% of us we are safe under anointed homes covered by the Blood of Jesus. WE ARE the more then conquerors through God who is IN US. Period
The Deep State is in complete control.
I did not want to believe this and put off contemplating it for some time, but Team Durham’s SUSSMANN INDICTMENT was a 27—page pristine gem for the underlying present structure; devoting one night per page, I spent 27 days thoroughly researching it to fully grasp all the government agencies involved, the various tech firms, Brookings Institute, etc.
That indictment, further court filings from Special Counsel Durham and his team, plus the Twitter Files simply verified that thought: the Deep State is in complete control and it doesn’t matter who becomes president in 2024.
And mainly five eyes, imo. Intelligence entities operate according to an ends-justify-the-means/any-means-necessary mentality. Any and all wrongdoing is justified if they believe it will achieve their desired goals. Deceit is their main tool. Wickedness is their toolbox. And their primary goal is always the preservation and expansion of the entity’s own existence and power.
Basic reasons why they should never have been elevated to the power and influence they currently hold, and why they should be significantly constrained at all times, and disbanded to significant degree except in times of major war.
Other government agencies/entities are also a problem, but they are not chartered to lie, deceive, and employ all manner of wicked means, as is the intel apparatus.Their charter, by design, is basically “go and sin and keep sinning more, by any wicked means, and impose all manner of wickedness everywhere you go”.
If and when such entities are not properly constrained, then the natural result is that they will seize the reigns of power, over time – which has already happened here and across the western world.
JD thank you . You had the stones to say it . Now I don’t know how many others think it or know it .
But I have had this understanding ( Finally – after being dumb for decades ) for years now .
” Unless God acts on our behalf in ways nobody expects and none of us deserve, then things are going to get much worse in the near future.”
I would say this . I think .. think mind you . God is either doing it to the USA / us or allowing it . Same difference .
With that said, this “doom and gloom” article is intended to alert people that if they aren’t bracing for impact yet, it’s time to start..
Nice try but a failure … you really think people care .. hell the ones that do .. do next to nothing . Let alone pic up a gun to fix things .
You know I’m kinda looking forward to it … oh yeah I’ll suffer probably die . I would rather die in a gunfight then in a sh**** diaper in an old folks home .
I’m in fair shape for 65 … I bet I got one good gunfight left in me..
I think we deserve it . If for no other reason than the apathy of of the public .
JD .. I was in the patriot militia movement in the 90’s . We were stupid enough to think that if we talked to people about freedom and constitution and being active . That you could right the wrongs and secure a free future …. LOL we … were .. STUPID . No one cared then as with now .
We as a group , across the nation we were right on what was going to happen. By and large . What we were wrong on was the timing . We were 30 years early .
Enjoy it JD . History Pain misery poverty crime . All the extreme human behavior that George Carlin talked about .
To damn bad .. I’m probably gonna check out by the end of this year . Would have been fun . LOL cheated again by God … I guess .
What I would have enjoyed , if I could be around them . The people that voted against my freedom and the apathetic . To see them suffer . Justice . They didn’t care about me or my wife or you. Why should I care how hungry or cold they get . I don’t . And yeah maybe I’m sick … I think I could like some of seeing it .
Thanks . OH you need to get back on Caravan to Midnight .. this would go against JB’s we’ll get it done if we stick together mentality . I wrote him about how he’s wrong . Wonder how he would act if you present this new found idea to him . LOL
Be Well
Duncan Adams