The worst kept secret in Washington DC is that many Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill lambaste each other in public while being BFFs in private. They pretend to be on opposite sides of the aisle but other than the radical progressives such as “The Squad” and the America First patriots like most in the House Freedom Caucus, the majority work well together in the murky middle.
This has been the case since the dawn of this nation. It actually took a hit in recent years due in large part to the Tea Party and then the MAGA movement on the right, then the Justice Democrats and their cronies on the left. The “extreme” wings of the respective parties were gaining ground, but since the 2020 election the Uniparty Swamp has been striking back and solidifying its ranks.
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The Squad has lost most of the influence they appeared to be acquiring in 2019 and 2020. MAGA patriots obviously took a major blow when the presidential election was stolen from us. Since then, with the help of a multitude of crises that have hit the United States since the Plandemic began, the RINOs and their mainstream Democrat partners have made gains, consolidated power, and are in the process of pushing the “extreme” wings of their parties out.
On today’s episode of The JD Rucker Show — watch on Brighteon, Rumble, or Bitchute, or listen on Apple Podcasts — I explained what needs to be done to reverse this terrible course. First and foremost, we need to identify the primary points of contention that separate the Uniparty Swamp from the “extreme” wings of the parties. Those points of contention include:
- Ukraine-Russia War
- LGBTQIA+ Supremacy
- 2020 Stolen Election
- Climate Change
There are others, but those are the most important ones right now. It’s not a coincidence that these issues all align with the machinations of the globalist elites in the Liberal World Order. Their goal of pushing The Great Reset is conspicuously not discussed at all by the vast majority in Capitol Hill. Other than a handful of America First patriots, no Democrat and very few Republicans acknowledge the existential threat is even an issue.
This is by design and must be recognized for what it is. Regardless of whether Republicans or Democrats have majorities after the midterms, the Liberal World Order will continue their push. The strategies differ slightly based on who’s in charge, but they have enough control over people like Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy to not be too worried about the GOP wrecking their plans.
The long-game on stopping this is to vote in as many America First patriots as possible. A RINO is only slightly better than a Democrat on most issues. On the issues that pertain to The Great Reset, there really isn’t much of a gap at all. NeoCons will continue to push for war with Russia. RINOs will start putting pronouns in their bios. None of them will admit the 2020 election was stolen. As for climate change, we’re already seeing an uncomfortable number of Republicans talking about “conservative environmentalism” that still pushes the same goals as leftist climate change activists, just at a slower pace.
Unfortunately, we may not have enough time to play the long-game through elections. We need to act now. For many of us, that means stepping outside of our comfort zone. For others, it will come naturally. Whether it’s easy for you or not, there are four things we need to start doing as soon as possible.
First, we need get ourselves and our families prepared. If the Uniparty Swamp retains or even expands its power, then The Great Reset is almost certainly going to happen. We are already seeing much of the plan manifesting in America. There’s a reason food and energy prices are so high. It’s the same reason turmoil is engulfing the streets. They want to tear down capitalism, law and order, and the United States itself. To need a reset, you need destruction. To need to build back better, the previous manifestation of society must be taken out. They’ve telegraphed their intentions for years and we’re now seeing it in action.
It’s imperative that as many Americans as possible are self-reliant when things start really going south. This is why we have as our primary sponsors long-term storage food companies and precious metals companies. Heck, we even just added a firearm sponsor, just in case things REALLY go south.
Second, we must operate locally as much as we can. There are many reasons for this, not the least of which is knowing there is power to fight higher levels of government when there are pockets of patriots working together. Joining or organizing local activist groups has not really been a strength of America First patriots ever since the Tea Party lost its presence. We need something similar, only better. They had the right idea by being decentralized, but that lack of centralized leadership left a vacuum through which greedy opportunists hijacked the movement.
Localized groups of patriots can organize protests and work together to build a base that will also help come election time, should we make it as a nation to future elections. But the real power is in establishing a community for support should the need arise to truly focus on defending the rights of people within the groups. Our nature as individualists who oppose collectivism is our greatest strength, but it often leaves us isolated when we need help. We can retain our individualism while still creating power in numbers.
Third, we need to spread the word. It’s getting harder with Big Tech censoring anything that’s not part of their leftist worldview, so we need to start thinking old school. Reaching out to friends, relatives, and those in the aforementioned community groups is important. We need more people to read and listen to those who are telling the truth. I’m not so humble that I wouldn’t want more people to listen to me or read articles on my sites. There are others out there as well trying to fight the good fight by spreading the truth.
Lastly and most importantly, we need to pray. We will need God’s intervention if we’re truly going to make it through all of the turmoil and unambiguous evil engulfing the world today. For a while, I’ve thought that we were entering the end times, and that may very well be the case. But considering the strides we’ve made in recent weeks such as overturning Roe v Wade and exposing many of the plans of the globalist elites, I do have hope that these hard times we’re going through now may not be the absolute end for this world. Whether it is or not, our mission remains the same. We must fight for what’s right with the Armor of God securely worn and a Bible in our hand.
We do not know if we can overcome the vast forces that are arrayed against us. Either way, nothing changes with our mission. We keep going until we cannot go any further. Even then, we still keep going.
Proper application of the 2A is the only solution.
The leftists have the advantage of using social media for organizing, while those on the right are censored. When the Reset goes hot, those in control will shut down the power and communications grids to ensure isolation and little ability for communication for anyone. Get to know your neighbors well, but trust no one whom you haven’t known for at least 5 years. Have your own method of electrical generation, store up food and water, and use radio (shortwave, walkie-talkies, CB, Ham, and Mesh). Also, keep building up your self-defense abilities, and get in better physical shape.
The globalists will be stopped the way all evil people in history have been stopped, by them ceasing to draw breath. If you think you will ever vote your way out of this one, you are delusional or stupid.