“Reading Rainbow” star LeVar Burton is one of the most outspoken leftists in Hollywood, which is saying a whole lot. He has championed every radical cause possible in recent years, including reparations. Moreover, he does so with the spite and unhinged rhetoric of a BLM grifter.
The man who once played a slave in “Roots” recently found out that his great, great grandfather is not only white, but was also a Confederate soldier. That certainly adds a twist of lime to his race-baiting drink of choice.
Adding insult to injury, “Dilbert” creator Scott Adams hit Burton with a conundrum:
“How much does he owe himself in reparations?”
It was just the chuckle we needed for an otherwise bland news cycle on a Sunday. Thank you, Mr. Adams.
What do you think? Sound off on my Substack.
Kamala, the thug VP who urged fellow thugs to burn down America when she was running for the presidency (how quickly we forget!), would have to move to France for reparations, as she would never qualify as an American cititzen — and millions would welcome her moving out of here forever!
Since 1950, the REAL NUMBER of Black–Americans or African–Americans who would actually qualify has been shrinking considerably — the real number, percentage–wise, would be interesting?!
The present mayor of Seattle loved to play the race/IDENTITY POLITICS card when running for mayor – couldn’t relate to the dude as I am not related to anyone who was busy bayonetting Chinese citizens and civilians at Nanjing!