- Food, energy and economic crises are being fabricated according to a predetermined plan, just as the COVID pandemic plan was foretold during Event 201. In a recent Children’s Health Defense “Good Morning CHD” interview, I discuss how to prepare for these imminent crises
- The Rockefeller Foundation has been a prominent player in putting out the “deep state” cabal’s plans. The Foundation was a sponsor of Event 201, during which participants practiced everything that later came to pass, and they’ve also published at least three reports that describe various parts of The Great Reset
- In 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation published a report titled “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development,” in which they laid out a “Lockstep” scenario — a coordinated global response to a lethal pandemic. The scenario described in this document matches many of the details of our recent past
- In April 2020, the Rockefeller Foundation released a “National COVID-19 Testing Action Plan,” which laid out a strategic framework of a permanent surveillance and social control structure that severely limits personal liberty and freedom of choice
- The Rockefeller Foundation’s July 2020 report, “Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System,” declares food shortages and famine a reality and describes how they intend to seize control of the food supply and supply chain under the guise of “equity,” “fairness” and “environmental protection”
In the video above, I discuss the inevitability of coming food and energy crises, and how to prepare for them, on the Children’s Health Defense “Good Morning CHD” program. As I mention in that interview, it seems clear that these crises are being fabricated according to a predetermined plan, just as the COVID pandemic plan was foretold during Event 201.
The global technocratic cabal responsible for these plans don’t actually hide their plans. They announce them in various ways in advance. Tabletop crisis exercises are one of them. The publishing of white papers is another.
The Rockefeller Foundation has been a prominent player in putting out the “deep state” cabal’s plans. Not only was the Foundation a sponsor of Event 201, during which participants practiced everything that later came to pass, but it has also published at least three separate reports that describe the implementation of various parts of what we now recognize as the World Economic Forum’s (WEF’s) Great Reset agenda.
Operation Lockstep
In 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation published a report1 titled “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development,” in which they laid out a “Lockstep” scenario — a coordinated global response to a lethal pandemic. While the name and origin of the virus differs, the scenario laid out in this document matches many of the details of our recent past.
A deadly viral pandemic. Devastating economic effects. International mobility coming to a screeching halt, debilitating industries, tourism and global supply chains. “Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers,” the document reads.
“In the absence of official containment protocols,” the virus spread like wildfire. In this narrative, the U.S. administration’s failure to place strict travel restrictions on its citizens proved to be a fatal flaw, as it allowed the virus to spread past its borders. China, on the other hand, fared particularly well due to its rapid imposition of universal quarantines of all citizens, which proved effective for curbing the spread of the virus.
Many other nations where leaders “flexed their authority” and imposed severe restrictions on their citizens — “from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries of communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets” — also fared well.
This report basically spells out what the ultimate plan actually is, and that is to use bioterrorism to take control of the world’s resources, wealth and people. It’s to use a coordinated pandemic response as a justification for wealth redistribution and the resetting of the global financial system.
The COVID-19 Action Plan
Then, in April 2020, the Rockefeller Foundation released the white paper,2 “National COVID-19 Testing Action Plan,” which laid out a strategic framework clearly intended to become part of a permanent surveillance and social control structure that severely limits personal liberty and freedom of choice.
The tracking system it called for is eerily similar to that used in China, where residents are required to enroll in a health condition registry. Once enrolled, they get a personal QR code, which they must then enter in order to gain access to grocery stores and other facilities.3
It also described the necessary infrastructure for vaccination tracking across the board, for all vaccines, not just the COVID jabs, and laid the foundation for medical monitoring in general.
Not only did it call for access to other medical data, it also specifically called for doing away with privacy laws. According to this document, “Some privacy concerns must be set aside for an infectious agent as virulent as COVID-19 …”4 And, reading through the plan, it’s clear that this tracking and surveillance program was not intended to be temporary.
COVID-19 was simply used as an excuse to justify the implementation of a permanent biosurveillance system. It called for hundreds of thousands of new employees, updating computer systems and implementing new laws that in many ways resemble the implementation of TSA post-9/11.
The Cabal Is ‘Resetting the Table’
Next, we have the July 28, 2020, report, “Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System,”5 which describes how the COVID pandemic has caused “a hunger and nutrition crisis” in the U.S., which they insist must be addressed by a complete overhaul of the food system.
It basically describes how they intend to seize control of the food supply and the supply chain under the guise of “equity,” “fairness” and “environmental protection.”
One key to this enterprise is data collection. They want to collect data on everyone’s spending and eating habits, and to facilitate that data collection, they want to shift everything into an online environment, including education, medicine and the buying of food.
The title itself reveals what this is really all about. “Reset the Table” is a clear nod to The Great Reset, which was officially announced by WEF founder Klaus Schwab and the Prince of Wales in early June 2020.6 So, the title alone tells us that the Rockefeller Foundation’s call for a “reset” of the food system is part and parcel of the WEF’s Great Reset.
Many of the contributors to the Foundation’s paper are also WEF members, which further strengthens this connection. In the foreword,7 Rockefeller Foundation president Dr. Rajiv Shah also stresses that “a comprehensive playbook” to address the food system will need to address other issues as well, including “living wages” and “housing,” and those too are destined for revision under The Great Reset.
Schwab coined the term “the Fourth Industrial Revolution,” which is really just another way of saying “the transhumanist revolution.” In a nutshell, it refers to the integration and takeover of artificial intelligence, robotics, and the merger of man with machine, which will inevitably trigger dramatic societal changes.
People displaced and made useless by robots and/or augmented humans will need some sort of stipend to live on, and a roof over their head.
Of course, in return for government-issued room and board, you’ll have to give up everything that makes living worthwhile. The WEF, years ago, announced that “By 2030, you will own nothing,” and they meant it. Eliminating private ownership rights is part of the plan. You’ll be “taken care of” by the government, but you’ll be trapped in a slave system.
The Plan Is Out in the Open
Together, Event 201, these three Rockefeller Foundation reports and many others, spell out the plan of the global cabal. All we need to do is take it seriously. They certainly do.
They’ve been moving the proverbial chess pieces around the global chess board for decades to bring about the scenario we’re currently in, with the destruction and collapse of supply chains, food production, infrastructure and economies. They have to bring all the old systems down in order to declare them obsolete, so they can then introduce their new slave systems.
And they know people won’t accept these slave systems unless they’re absolutely destitute and desperate and have no choice but to comply. Knowing that this is the plan, what does that mean for us? It means we need to a) prepare, so we don’t become victims of their intentional destruction, b) reject their plans every step of the way, and c) build parallel systems outside their control.
Key Preparations: Think About Water First
One of the most important preparations you can make is to secure a supply of potable water, as you can survive far longer without food than you can without water. An ideal system to consider, if you have a garden, is to install a large cistern to collect rainwater.
Since I have a full acre of land that I grow food on, I have a 5,000-gallon cistern that collects rainwater from the gutters on my roof. This serves to augment my irrigation system but is also a large emergency source of water. Another strategy is to install a series of connected rain barrels to your gutters. I discuss this and other strategies in “How to Secure Your Water Supply for Emergencies.”
Food Prep Suggestions
When it comes to food, a vast majority of Americans have a secret advantage in that they have months’ worth of excess fat stores that will allow them to fast for extended periods of time. That said, you certainly will need food sooner or later, so stocking up while you still can is strongly recommended.
It now looks as though food shortages will begin toward the end of 2022. But even if it takes longer than that for things to fall apart, inflation will drive prices skyward, so buying extra right now can save you money later.
I recommend stocking up on healthy, nutritious foods that you eat on a regular basis anyway. That way, you can rotate your stock. In my view, animal protein would be one of the most important supplies to stock up on, which means you’ll need extra freezer storage. It would likely make sense to get another freezer to store enough meat for three to six months for your family.
The key to making this work is to have a backup power supply, as there is a high likelihood the grid will go down and you will lose your investment. The most economical way to stock up on meat would be to get ground bison, beef or lamb. Ground meat is less expensive, but more importantly, takes up the least amount of space in your freezer. Avoid pork and chicken due to high linoleic acid content.
Another option is canned beef, which has long shelf-life and doesn’t require a freezer. Look for varieties that use salt as the only preservative. Lehman’s canned beef is one such option.8
Canned wild Alaskan salmon, mackerel and sardines are also good options. They contain healthy protein and fat while being low in toxic water pollutants and heavy metals. Just make sure they’re canned in water, not oil, as you can be guaranteed that it’ll be the worst oil possible. This is true even if it claims to be “olive oil.” Other nutritious foods with long shelf-life include:
- Tallow, ghee and coconut oil — These healthy fats are ideal for cooking and remain stable even without refrigeration.
- Organic beef broth and/or collagen powder — Beef broth is an ideal source of collagen, but organic grass fed collagen powder will stay fresh longer. Collagen is the most common and abundant of your body’s proteins, and is required for bone health, tissue integrity and repair.
- Whey protein — Whey protein is rich in leucine, which helps stimulate muscle protein synthesis, thereby promoting healthy muscle. Without a regular source of meat, it can be difficult to achieve enough leucine to maintain body protein from diet alone. Fortunately, whey can be easily stored and can serve as a resource to preserve your muscle mass.
- Rice — Rice is a gluten-free staple that can be stored for long periods of time. Interestingly, white rice (my favorite is basmati) is far preferred over brown rice as the antinutrients in brown rice impair its role as a clean source of carbohydrates. Ideally, place the bag in a food-grade bucket together with an oxygen absorber or two, and make sure the lid is well-sealed.
- Honey — In addition to being a natural sweetener, local unadulterated honey also has health benefits. For example, it’s an effective cough medicine and can help combat respiratory infections and bacterial infections, including antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
- Macadamia nuts — Nuts are frequently recommended as a good source of fiber, protein and healthy fats that will stay fresh for a long time without refrigeration, provided they’re in a sealed bag or container. However, the reason why this is a terrible idea is that all nuts except for macadamia are loaded with very high levels of the dangerous fat linoleic acid. So, storing any nuts would not be helpful, as you would only be able to have around five a day.
I also recommend stocking up on nutritional supplements such as beef organ complex, essential minerals, omega-3, vitamin K2, magnesium, vitamin B complex and astaxanthin.
To Grow or Not to Grow Your Own Veggies?
When it comes to fruits, berries and vegetables, many are not going to be able to successfully grow what they need in their own garden. That’s just the truth. It does take some know-how. You can’t just throw some seeds into the dirt and expect food. You have to plant at the right time of year, you have to water and consistently weed and so on.
Certainly, I encourage you to grow what you can, just be realistic about it and don’t rely on something that has no chance of keeping you alive in a real emergency. One exception is sprouts. Virtually everyone can grow sprouts, even indoors in small spaces, and they provide high-density nutrients that can be harvested in days rather than weeks or months.
Certain crops, such as Moringa and cassava are extremely hardy and drought resistant, requiring almost no attention whatsoever, so they can be good options if you’re just starting out. Moringa is a real superfood, and you can eat the leaves, either fresh or dried, and the seeds, but it really is a subtropical tree that needs a warm climate to do well. You can also grow fresh herbs to spice up your dishes.
Aside from stocking up on canned or freeze-dried vegetables, fruits and berries, another strategy is to build relationships with local farmers. Start frequenting farmers markets and make connections with people who actually grow the food themselves. I recommend visiting their farm to make sure they’re the real deal, as some merely buy veggies from the same place the grocery stores do and then resell them at the farmers market.
Don’t just survive — THRIVE! Prepper All-Naturals has freeze-dried steaks for long-term storage. Don’t wait for food shortages to get worse. Stock up today. Use promo code “jdr” at checkout for 35% off!
In the interview, I also review other prepping strategies I think are important, such as making sure you’re getting a healthy amount of sun exposure, which is free nutrition (you don’t have to pay for either vitamin D, melatonin or antioxidants supplements if you get enough sun), and getting out of crowded urban areas at all costs. Prepped or not, densely-populated cities are going to be the most dangerous areas on Earth once food, electricity and money get scarce.
The writing is on the wall, and in the Rockefeller Foundation’s and the WEF’s white papers. Collapse of the economy and our food system are inevitable because they’re intentional. So, hopefully, you choose to believe the cabal when they’re telling you there will be shortages and mass inflation, and prepare accordingly.
- 1 Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development
- 2, 4 The Rockefeller Foundation, National COVID-19 Testing Action Plan — Strategic Steps to Reopen Our Workplaces and Our Communities, April 21, 2020 (PDF)
- 3 Berggruen Institute March 6, 2020
- 5 Rockefeller Foundation Reset the Table
- 6 Weforum June 3, 2020
- 7 Rockefeller Foundation Reset the Table (PDF) Foreword
- 8 Lehman’s Canned Beef, Chicken, Ground beef, Pork and Turkey
The best defence is a good offence. Know where demoKKKrats live near you, and be ready to purge them when the time comes. It’s time for REAL Americans to clean house. See you at the purge. ?
Prepping alone will not defeat those whose acts of war force you to prep. Deadly self-defensive force is always authorized under Natural Law to defend your life from those who are directly or indirectly trying to kill you, your family, or your nation. “In valor there is hope.” – Tacitus
Your rooftop water catch should have warned about the poisons inherent with asphalt shingles. People need to cover these roofs with a tarp to safely collect potable water. Also need to filter (charcoal/ceramic) or clorinate for contaminates (bird dung) after.. allow water to air overnight to evaporate chlorine.
We should form local GRAND JURIES; and arrest them. Starting with BILL GATES and GEORGE SOROS. Spread the word.