To say many Americans are furious with Tyson Foods right now would be an understatement. When word broke that they are closing a plant in Iowa so they can hire migrants in states with more “refugee-friendly” employment laws, the backlash was swift and may continue for a long time.
In short, they’re getting the “Bud Light Treatment” and rightly so. An entire popular beer brand was effectively decimated because they put an image of a transgender man on their cans. Shouldn’t the anger be heightened against a company that is firing 1,200 employees in a town with only 8,000 people?
Learn the TRUTH about Gold IRAs and how most precious metals companies play dirty.
“As a disabled veteran whose food company only hires American citizens, this news really struck me hard,” said Jason Nelson, co-founder of Prepper All-Naturals. “We are working very hard to not only feed Americans but to also employ them as valued members of our community.”
Prepper All-Naturals specializes in premium long-term storage beef. Their Ribeye, NY Strip, Tenderloin, and Sirloin products come from Texas cattle on Texas ranches. They do not work with corporate brands like Tyson Foods.
But Tyson is not the only brand owned by the food juggernaut. Some other popular brands, including Jimmy Dean, Hillshire Farm, and Ball Park, are under the Tyson Foods umbrella. For those who want to stop purchasing from a company that harms American citizens so they can virtue-signal regarding migrants while paying lower wages, here’s a handy list. Click it, print it out or save it to your phone, and reference it when shopping for groceries.
This isn’t about politics. It’s about self-preservation. If corporations are going to pan American citizen workers for the sake of virtue signaling, then they need to feel the pressure for their actions.
The further insult to injury is that you know Tyson Foods isn’t going to “pass on the savings” to the consumer now that their salary overhead is going down by hiring lower salaried migrants over American workers. Tyson will just pocket the savings and continue to stick it to the consumer. Apple does the same thing. I wouldn’t mind paying $1200 for a cell phone if I knew they were paying Americans a decent salary with benefits to manufacture the Iphone, but Apple is paying slave wages to Chinese employees and not passing any savings to Americans, instead it all goes to the Executive salaries.
Substandard article —— THE STORY is that the Biden regime is paying over 500 corporations to lay off American workers and replace them all with ILLEGALS – Tysons is just one of those 500 plus corporations!
THE SECOND STORY — out of Houston, but alsohappening across America — is the dropping and closing of over 230,000 criminal investigations by the Houston PD due to manpower shortages – so they were not prosecuting while defunding the police (thanks to SOROS funding) and now are not doing any criminal investigation of crimes due to the resultant shortages!
All by design . . .
https : //realclearwire [dot] com/articles/2024/03/18/law_enforcements_abysmal_clearance_rates_150659 [dot] html
THE THIRD STOEY are the leaked examples of evermore Pemtagon training manuals promoting communist indoctrination and anti–White hatred!
Please ignore typos in above comment —— onboard a fishing vessel and was garbled in transmission!
THE FOURTH STORY was the lady homeowner in NYC arrested for changing the locks on the house she owns to eject SQUATTERS!
Over the four years — very quietly — crimes have been DECRIMINALIZED while TPTB have criminalized self–defense and property rights!
Now that I know what the other products are that Tyson owns, I will not buy them. The only product that I bought once in a while was Ball Park franks, now never again. I hope Tyson goes under.
The ONLY thing they understand is PROFIT…… or the LACK of profit!