Anyone who has heard my opinion about polls knows that I’m not a fan. They’re simply propaganda tools used to manipulate the masses, and that’s on the best of days with so-called “unbiased” polls. But there are other polls that I hold in even lower regard: Push polls and campaign-driven polls. They are beyond worthless. They’re actually quite dangerous since most Americans don’t realize they’re completely fake.
That’s why it’s so comical that Trump-hating Fox News made a bold declaration that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is now “closing the gap” with Donald Trump in the first caucus state, Iowa. They even not-so-subtly claimed credit for the event by noting that the bump took place after their GOP debate. But it’s all fiction. It’s wishful thinking. It’s “copium” that they can inject into their veins to ease symptoms from their Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).
Here’s their bold declaration:
Iowa poll shows Florida gov closing the gap on Trump after first Republican debate
Donald Trump remains on top of the polls among Republican presidential candidates, but the gap between the former president and his onetime political protégé could be narrowing following the first GOP debate.
A new poll from Public Opinion Strategies — a polling firm working for the DeSantis’ campaign — shows Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis closing in on Trump among Iowa voters. Releasing a campaign poll usually comes with an agenda or narrative and so the results should be taken with a grain of salt.
The poll, obtained by Fox News Digital, interviewed 400 Iowa likely GOP caucus-goers and included a ballot test that saw DeSantis rise from 14% support up to 21% post-debate.
At least they had the journalistic integrity to note that it was a DeSantis campaign poll, but here’s the thing. This article wasn’t intended to sway sentiment among their readers. It was intended to sway sentiment among the majority of people who will read the headline but never actually read the article. The headline doesn’t distinguish the type of poll it was. Anyone who just reads that headline will come away thinking DeSantis is closing the gab and Fox News helped.
Neither, of course, is true. The various less-biased polls (no poll is unbiased) following the debate and the handful of polls that took place after Trump was arrested in Georgia this week show Trump’s lead extending and DeSantis’s status as a distant second place in jeopardy. Some polls show he is now in third place behind Vivek Ramaswamy and two state polls have him in fourth place.
Some may try to fault the DeSantis campaign for this, but they’re just trying to do their jobs. This is a full-blown Fox News psyop intended to sway the headline-only readers into believing that DeSantis is making up lost ground. Most of their opinions hosts, nearly all of their news anchors, and the entirety of their executive leadership either hate Trump or at least prefer an alternative. This reaffirms my long-standing opinion that Fox News executives, most producers, and possibly some of their hosts were aware of the theft of the 2020 election… and some were directly involved. But that’s an accusation to flesh out some other time.
Fox News has demonstrated multiple times their bias against Trump, so their interpretation of the Iowa polls could be wishful thinking. Let me put it this way, Fox would not lie to the American people would they?
In NY state an outstanding citizen and her group found that there were 338,000 MORE VOTES than voters in the 2020 election —- and similar situations can be found in at least 5 or 6 other states!
Listen, just this one article alone [link below] says it all –– it will confuse the RUBES, of course, who are so frigging dunderheaded they think the limited hangout of “2000 mules” proves anything —— the same RUBES soooo easily flummoxed by the limited hangout of Mikey Mikey Lindell’s “Absolute Proof” where the crooked shyster wifey and CIA asset, Mary Fanning, had “former” crackhead Lindell claiming that standard spam pinging of web sites was hacking into them and had a bunch of MAC addressed sites routing, when MAC addresses don’t route, RUBES!
https://www DOT americanthinker DOT com/articles/2023/08/was_new_yorks_2022_general_election_valid DOT html
“2000 Mules” mules shows not a single ballot, the ballots are ASSUMED to be for Manchurian Joe —— so what’s proven other than Dinish, the globalist RINO, wants to redirect away from the voting systems/ballot scanners fraud!
For 25 years or more tech types in the Election Integrity Movement have proven time and again that the voting systems and ballot scanners are THE HACK ——— while the useful idiots for the CIA dutifully repeat their meme every election cycle:
“THE MACHINES CAN BE HACKED!” So what! The machines are THE HACK, rubes and dunderheaded fools!
The pure stupidity of this ludicrous lunacy can never be over explained! In the 2024 election — thanks to the actions taken by the former (DoD) Defense Digital Service, now CDAO, and the founding of Space Delta 18 – as Trump was exiting the White House and before Joey TransBiden came stumbling in — the election fraud will likely be external hacking, by the gov’t agencies directly! They have now successfully networked national election fraud via EI–ISAC, CISA, Fusion Centers, FirstNet, ERIC and the voting systems companies!
Was it Trotsky or Lenin who coined the term “useful idiots”? They and Grigori Voitinsky, the clever founder of the Chinese Communist Party, were sadly too right and accurate in their diabolical assessment!
COGNITIVE RECAP: Rodney Joffe was the tech guy involved in the RUSSIAGATE HOAX to overthrow the presidency and elected government —— his former employee of many years (and close associate) at Joffe’s companies Neustar and Packet Forensics is Ray Saulino, who was handed, temporarily, a HUGE CHUNK of Internet address space bewtween Jan. 15 to jan. 20, 2021. Saulino’s newly incorporated company, Global Resource Systems LLC in Florida, had their incorporation papers filed by a Beverly Hills attorney (and movie producer), who just happened to be JADE SACKER’s daddy — recall Jade Sacker, John Earle Sullivan’s sidekick from Jan. 6 at the US Capitol Building Fedsurrection?!
John Sullivan’s foster father, Lt.Col. Jack Sullivan, retired, is the ideal candidate for the J6 Operations Coordinator given his intel background in the military and later work at CIA—front outfits! And the Sullivans used to live right near Raymond Saulino in Virginia and both were involved with DARPA contract work —— now that’s a string of improbable “coincidences”!
Joffe — Saulino — Sacker — Sullivan: and we saw John Sullivan and Jade Sacker being interviewed by CIA asset Anderson Cooper (yeah, yeah, yeah, just another coincidence that Cooper, William Barr, and Renee DiResta were all CIA Fellows and interns) on the night of Jan. 6, 2021 with video streamed from the US Capitol Building by RISE IMAGES, a ghost web site run by the Ministry of State Security of communist China (said “Rise Images” in the upper right corner of the TV screens with either CNN or ABC on the TV —— later changed online to read CiscoWeb)!
And the Defense Digital Service (DoD) which temporarily handed off that chunk of Internet address space to Saulino, has been merged with the AI operation to form the CDAO, where the people aremconnected to Lyft, Lime, Uber, etc. — now isn’t that peculiar?! The companies which have been putting taxi companies out of business — where passengers can still ride anonymously, but all Uber–like pax can be easily tracked in multiple ways – are people—connected to the CDAO?!