(Natural News)—Electric vehicles are failing to live up to their promise, with a new report from Consumer Reports showing that they have an incredible 79 percent more problems than their conventional counterparts, in addition to being less reliable.
Plug-in hybrids fared even worse, registering 146 percent more problems than vehicles with traditional internal combustion engines.
According to Consumer Reports, the least reliable type of vehicle overall was electric pickup trucks.
They reached this conclusion based on a survey they conducted among members about issues they have had with their vehicles during the past year. Data from more than 330,000 vehicles with model years from 2000 onward was included in the assessment.
Their study involved 20 types of issues that range from minor nuisances like squeaky brakes to significant issues such as battery and charging problems and transmission issues, which were given a greater weight than minor issues. Consumer Reports noted that the charging problems they considered were those related to the vehicles themselves rather than public or home chargers.
“As more EVs hit the marketplace and automakers build each model in greater numbers, we are seeing that some of them have problems with the EV drive system motors, EV charging systems, and EV batteries (which are different from the low-power 12-volt batteries that power accessories),” Consumer Reports noted.
The publication’s senior director of auto testing, Jake Fisher, characterized the finding as “growing pains” and said that he believes that EV manufacturers are still trying to work out some of the bugs with the technology.
He recommended that people who are interested in buying electric vehicles avoid buying new EVs that are in their first model year as manufacturers continue to work out the kinks with these vehicles.
The most frequently reported problems among electric vehicle owners included were related to charging systems, batteries and drive system motors. There were also reports of flaws in the way that the vehicles’ interior parts and body panels fit together.
When it comes to plug-in hybrid vehicles, the fact that they combine an internal combustion engine with an electric drive means that there are more ways things can go wrong with these cars.
Tesla, considered a pioneer in electric vehicles, only ranked near the middle of the pack when it came to reliability. Although its vehicles’ components are considered to be reliable, build quality remains a major concern. Many Tesla owners have reported quality issues like nonfunctional door handles, trunks that fail to close, paint irregularities and broken trim.
Biden administration pushing people to buy unreliable cars for the sake of the environment
The finding could throw a wrench in the Biden Administration’s relentless push to get Americans to switch from gas-powered vehicles to electric ones. Although buyers are being offered a federal tax credit worth as much as $7,500 when they purchase these vehicles, many consumers are very wary of making the change, citing the higher cost of electric vehicles as well as insufficient charging infrastructure. They can also be more expensive to maintain and require additional equipment, such as electric charging ports at home.
Biden has set a goal of making sure that half of all car purchases are electric by the year 2030 in an initiative that critics say is being forced upon Americans.
While electric vehicle registrations have grown by more than 500 percent in the U.S. since 2017, they still only made up less than 1 percent of overall vehicle registrations in the country last year.
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Many vehicle manufacturers have already started to reduce their investments in the technology in the face of weak demand and consumer skepticism.
Sources for this article include:
Hate to make the point…..but Model Ts had more reliability issues than the average horse.
That said…..I’m still 100% for vehicles with internal combustion propulsion.
The left has a long winning record…..because their “opponents” are basically functionally inept……so they’re not going to let up on EVs…..or cheating on elections.
You are correct on all accounts
If you are not mechanically inclined you may fail to see the big picture on EV’s. As vehicles have advanced (I do not consider much of it advancement) they’ve introduced more and more gizmo’s. The more stuff you have the more points of possible failure you have. At least in the internal combustion we’ve had a hundred years to improve reliability. Still, component failure will stop you cold. But at least it is usually a simple sensor replacement. On an EV you are driving a computer. And when things fail you will not be replacing a simple sensor. More likely EV repair will be component replacement, no one actually fixes things, they replace units. And trust this, those “units” will be way more expensive than an o2 sensor.
Many a tech. innovation follows a learning/debugging curve. Late 78rmp records were better fidelity than 33 1/3 early recordings, which later were much more audio friendly than the first CDs. And people have a short memory for all, the exploding Pintos, Corvairs s running off of the road, air bags breaking your nose if you were lucky and massive recalls.
The earth worshipers strike again!
Those of us that can, do without. We keep our good old gas/diesel vehicles running and well maintained.
I much prefer my vehicle run on gas rather than coal.
99 Jeep TJ here, I can fuel it, fix it, and by God most likely be buried in it.
No offense, but all these articles on EVs, or why natural gas is better and more ecologically friendly, are both nebulous and silly — — and besides the point, TPTB want every remaining human on THE GRID so they can exert greater control and domination, leading to further depopulation!
Just like using lawfare to dramatically shrink the number of pharmacies across the country, thereby exerting greater control over distribution, enhancing TPTB ability to spread the mRNA to all (and restrict vitamins and other intake to further attack our health and welfare)!!!
All this random stuff is connected and seldom if ever random at all!
People that have bought into so called climate change are fools. What man does or emits is a pimple on an elephants ass compared to what mother nature spews. Our climate is governed by volcanic activity, solar flares and Earth’s rotational axis which is slightly different every year.
Currently the greatest deception, climate change.
And yes, it is all connected.
The great “plan” to depopulate our world.
Even greater deceptions will be exposed.
The lies are centuries old.