Editor’s Note: Mac Slavo‘s article below may seem “unhinged” to those who are not familiar with Central Bank Digital Currencies or who have dismissed them as something that can never happen in America. First and foremost, they can and almost certainly will happen. The only question is whether they will be rolled out this year, next year, or beyond. It is incumbent on everyone who has a voice to speak to get ahead of this. They are already in the process of selling it subtly to the American people, but in the near future they will turn from subtle to overt. If we’ve learned anything the last two years, it’s that nothing can be dismissed as “that can’t happen in America.” Here’s Mac…
The endgame is to total control of the slaves with a cash-free system. Those at the top will fully control a central bank digital currency or CBDC, and once they roll it out, it’s game over for the slave class.
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Executive Order 14067 signed by Joe Biden gives the ruling class the power to create CBDCs, distribute them at will, take them from you when they want, and just shut it off if you do something they don’t like.
Famous Author if the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki has called this executive order “communism in its purest form,” encouraging Americans to “stay awake.”
But this is beyond communism. This is permanent and overt slavery. They are no longer hiding it. We are not free and they intend to make it permanent. It would behoove everyone to listen up and stand together to oppose this and refuse to participate. Choosing the CBDC is literally choosing to be slave. Before we were lied to and propaganda was used to make sure we thought we were free. This is overt, and in our faces now.
“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion.” -Frank Zappa
Kiyosaki called President Joe Biden’s signed executive order “the most treasonous act in U.S. history” and he isn’t the only one speaking out against it. Jim Rickards, another economist, investor, and former CIA official is calling it a step toward the end of cash. Rickards has four decades of experience on Wall Street. The new “digital tokens” can be “turned off” if the government doesn’t like what you are doing.
Be ready, because this is the slavery we have been warning is coming. Not that we aren’t slaves now, but this is the complete abandonment of the illusion. Prepare for “C-Day” which is coming on December 13th of this year.
The Endgame: Central Bank Digital Currency
Rickards criticized CBDC and labeled it as “Bitcoin’s Evil Cousin.” He also exposed the supposed singular event called C-Day, which according to him, will take place on December 13, 2022, and will disrupt the traditional financial systems in the U.S.
He said when what he calls “C-Day” happens, paper money would be worthless and the U.S. dollar would crash. He further added that consumer spending and access to basic needs would also be restricted, and people holding too much money would be penalized. –WND
“Thanks to Section 4 of Biden’s Executive Order 14067, calling for urgent research into developing the digital dollar, I believe the U.S. dollar, the standard of the world since 1792 … will be REPLACED by a new currency, the digital dollar,” Rickards said. But this has been in the works for a long time. It’s all a part of the plan. They even tried to desensitize the world to this during the COVID-19 scamdemic claiming COVID spread on coins and cash:
Ready for a Cashless Society? WHO Says Contaminated Cash and Spread the Coronavirus
This literally is good for NO ONE except those who create the currency and want power over everyone else. “I call the digital dollar ‘Biden Bucks’ because I want him to take full credit for what I consider to be crimes,” says Rickards. “This is not like the money in your online bank account … No, this is new and different. Every digital dollar will be a programmable token, like bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. But there’s a big difference … Cryptocurrencies are decentralized digital currencies. Instead, if it plays out the way I see it … Biden Bucks will have the full backing of the U.S. Federal Reserve. They will REPLACE the cash (‘fiat’) dollar we have now. And will soon be the sole, MANDATORY currency of the United States.”
If you haven’t realized that government is slavery yet, it is probably a good time to get on the right side of history. This new CBDC “will begin an era of total government control and surveillance,” Rickards stated according to WND. “This is not hyperbole. This would dramatically expand the power and influence of the federal government … essentially acting as a new type of ‘spyware.’ With Biden Bucks, the government will be able to force you to comply with its agenda. Because if you don’t, they could turn off your money. This won’t be like freezing a bank account, it will be so much easier.”
This is not fear-mongering either. “It’s just Executive Order 14067. Biden signed it on March 09, 2022 – “By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America.”
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So, Constitution lovers, have you figured it out yet? It’s just a piece of paper. Biden is just one guy that signed a piece of paper. It’s our belief it has power that’s keeping us from being free. You are running out of time.
“But whether the Constitution really be one thing or another, this much is certain – that it has either authorized such a government as we have had or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist.” -Lysander Spooner
Watch how fast they turn off access of their political opponents money.
If money has no “anonymity” to its use, then it’s not money….
Buy precious metals. Preferably pre 1964 American silver coins. That which is real recognized money. Worth more than the face value of the coin itself, because of the 90% silver content.
Catherine Austin Fitts issues dire warnings from her and others in the financial field who have their eyes open…
I knew this was coming about one week into the start of the scamdemic back around March, 2020. But, be sure of one thing, it’s not the final upcoming event. After the roll out of CBDC, be prepared to be told you must be chipped.
Your being chipped will be voluntary, although everyone that complies will say that it was not voluntary. But, it is voluntary. It will just cost you everything to refuse.
I’m not even going to tell you not to get chipped. Almost everyone will comply. And I’m not going to tell you what the implication of complying entails. If you don’t know by now, well, good luck.
No other person is concerned with your eternity; that onus rests squarely on you.
Be non-violent, refuse to comply, prepare for your life to come to an abrupt halt.
People have been misled by the organized churches. The real meaning of what is written in the Bible is soon to be seen.
There will be an underground economy developed with precious metals. Those who refuse the chip will be underground merchants, buying and selling whatever you can purchased with silver coins. There are also silver bullion coins from 1oz, 1/2oz, 1/4oz. and 1/10oz. Roughly the size of a dollar, a half dollar, a quarter and a dime.
Unchipped folks will quickly adapt to the underground money and merchants. Of course, the government will try and hunt them down.
Thank you for your comment! When you say the real meaning in the Bible what do you mean? I have heard of so many different interpretations on the book of Revelations for example. I am also surprised by how many ministers are not really talking about what is going on…As if things are just going to continue as normal.
Sorry J.D. We aren’t buying it because it comes off as no more than fear-mongering. Humans need trading tokens no matter what the banks do. Those tokens today are what we call cash. No society can survive without it. how much is it going to cost to refit all parking meters to take cards instead of pocket change, and that is just one aspect of our lives that would be affected? The cost of the change will be astronomical, and who do you think is going to pay for the refit? Yep, we taxpayers. Once we take back congress conservatives will put a stop to it whether the banks like it or not. We must trust that we will win back Congress in November. If we can’t, then we are truly fked.
Remember that the more you ply your trade, you have to become doubly aware of what your prognostications produce in your readership. We do not need fear as a constant diet of hysteria from the likes of your site. If you are not careful you become part of the psychological problem that we have to deal with in trying to figure out who the liars are. So, if someone or some article blathers some hysterical idiocy, give it some thought before you breathlessly repeat what you have heard or read.
IE: Don’t fall into the same trap as the legacy media where the hysteria becomes so commonplace that no one bothers to check what the actual truth may be because the legacy media need viewership and the way to attain that is to pander to their lowest fear instincts such that they’ll beat a path to your door to get their next fix.
Perhaps 87,000 new IRS agents are being hired to enforce adaption of CBDC and ensure the demise of bartering and the exchange of “tokens” like precious metals or bartering?
If people refuse to use the digidollar, the evil plan will fail IF people decide not to allow the digidollar to be used, no bank or businesses will accept it. There IS something that CAN be done to stop the whole thing. If you don’t know what that is, then I’m not talking to you.
We need to stop using central banks and find private types of money like XRP, XLM, silver gold and barter
“Once we take back congress conservatives will put a stop to it whether the banks like it or not. We must trust that we will win back Congress in November. If we can’t, then we are truly fked.”
The fact that you think there is a political solution just means that YOU are part of the problem.
You’re not stupid. You heart is in the right place, but your head is full of rubbish! You have good, sound instincts, but also a slave mentality.
Biden’s executive order is unconstitutional. Only Congress can do what he is trying to do.
Do you REALLY think the law applies to THEM? What planet do you live on?
Nuke the fed.
This is good. We shall no longer wonder when or how to pay our UN, federal, state, county and municipal taxes, fees, assessments or (con)tributions, for our dear leaders will simply deduct them from our central bank account. Easy.
No jab – no access to your bank account! End of!
Most people live without cash these days anyway.
Using nothing but credit cards and ATM cards everywhere they go.
I would want at least one method of anonymous purchasing always at my disposal and cash gives that to me.
We need to stop using central banks and find private types of money like XRP, XLM, silver gold and barter