Most of the news we’ve been getting for the last couple of years has been bad. Lately, it seems there may be hope the tide is turning as more people are waking up to the reality that the powers-that-be do not have our best interests in mind.
On today’s episode of The JD Rucker Show (Brighteon, Rumble, Bitchute, Apple Podcasts) I actually had positive things to say, which has seemed very rare lately. I’m not a fan of manufacturing hope; you won’t see me posting headlines like “IT’S HAPPENING” or “THE DEEP STATE IS RUNNING SCARED” or “THE GLOBALISTS ARE ABOUT TO BE TAKEN DOWN!!!” Such false “hopium” pieces aren’t real. With that said, there truly seems to be a bit of a shift in sentiment the last couple of weeks as more people become aware that things aren’t happening the way we’re being told by corporate media, government, or Big Tech.
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Here are seven things that I detailed on the show today:
Abortion Summer of Rage Fell Way Short
I was wrong. I really thought following Roe v Wade being overturned that we were in for worse riots than what we saw during the George Floyd “Summer of Love” in 2020. I fell for the narrative being pushed by corporate media. You remember it. “EVERYONE IS OUTRAGED!”
As it turned out, there might be a plurality of Americans who opposed Roe v Wade being overturned, but that opposition was not driven by passion. Only the small group of baby-murder advocates were truly torn up over this. The rest of us, whether pro-life or not, have been too busy trying to pay bills and put food on the table to go out rioting over Roe v Wade.
When I’m wrong, I say I’m wrong. Usually that’s a good thing because me being wrong normally means the outcome was better than expected.
Kari Lake Wins
It wasn’t just Kari Lake, whose race we called the early morning hours after election night. It was Blake Masters, Abe Habadeh, and other America First patriots who beat their RINO opponents. This week in primary elections was good for the movement and showed that despite the massive megadonor boosts from the GOP Establishment, the people really do want America First patriots representing them.
Economy Adds More Jobs Than Expected
There was a very ugly trend this morning when the jobs report came back with over 500K jobs created. I watched conservative social media accounts and blogs publishing “ya but” articles trying to downplay the good news.
I get it. We know that the Red Wave we want to see in November is contingent on the economy remaining abysmal. Any good news will be heralded by corporate media as a reason to keep Democrats in power. But as Americans suffer, I cannot cheer against good news, especially not for political reasons. More jobs created means the people are fighting back. More jobs created means business owners are doing what they can. I will always root for small business owners and the success of the American people even if it’s not politically expedient.
Original Source: AP Photo/Seth Wenig In an unexpected twist given all the other labor news we’ve seen over the course of this week , the Bureau of Labor Statistics monthly report shows that 528,000 non-farm jobs were created in July, more than doubling economist expectations. Payroll employment rises by 528,000 in July; unemployment rate edges down to 3.5% #JobsReport #BLSdata — BLS-Labor Statistics (@BLS_gov) August 5, 2022 The unemployment rate also ticked down to 3.5 percent, down from last month’s 3.6 percent. Wages are also now up 5.2 percent from a year ago.
Despite the rate of inflation still being up […] Original Source:
38% of Democrats Accept the Truth About Party’s Economic Plan
The latest Rasmussen poll shows that we have little to worry about as far as Democrats getting the approval of the people on the economy. One jobs report isn’t going to reverse a trend that shows over one in three DEMOCRATS, a majority of Independence, and the vast majority of Republicans blaming Biden-Harris-Pelosi-Schumer for our economic woes.
Original Source: According to a new poll that Rasmussen released , a majority of voters agree that Democrats have run the economy “straight into the ground.” Close to 40% of Democratic voters agree with this sentiment.
According to the poll, 85% of Republicans at least somewhat agree with Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell’ statement that “Democrats inherited an economy that was primed for an historic comeback, and promptly ran it straight into the ground.” 57% of independent voters agree with the statement, in addition to 38% of Democratic voters who agree. 23% of those Democratic voters surveyed “strongly agree” with McConnell’s statement. […] Original Source:
As People Wake Up to the Zelenksy Con, We’re Seeing Fewer Ukrainian Flags
As I’ve said for a long time, Volodymyr Zelensky is a con man. He’s the most corrupt member of one of the most corrupt governments in the world. That doesn’t mean I do not support the Ukrainian people who are suffering from the Russian invasion. I do. But I cannot support the Ukrainian government which has not done anything to stop the war. They don’t want to stop the war. More war means more money for them, though not more aid for the people.
Zelensky reminds of that old viral video a decade ago where a man and woman were begging on the street. She was in a wheelchair and he was pushing her along with one crutch. You see them struggling to walk as they collect money. But then they duck around a corner, dump the wheelchair and crutch in the back of their new BMW SUV, and hop in their $80,000 ride without a sign of a limp.
California County Considers Seceding From Woke State
Okay, so this one is symbolic. San Bernardino County is not going to secede from California. But it’s good to know the people are thinking along those lines. It gives me hope as a Commiefornia resident that perhaps the people will wake up sooner rather than later and realize just how badly Democrats have tanked this beautiful and once-prosperous state.
Original Source: Voters from one of California’s most populous counties will have the opportunity this November to vote on whether their county should consider seceding from California. What are the details?
The San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors voted 4-0 on Wednesday to include the secession measure on the November ballot, the Associated Press reported .
Importantly, the measure does not directly ask voters whether San Bernardino County should secede from California, but whether county officials should consider secession as a means for the county to obtain what officials believe are the state and federal resources it deserves.The ballot measure reads: Do […] Original Source:
Rejecting Wokeness: Warner Brothers Killed Batgirl
It’s a sad testament that a movie made when “wokeness” was still a huge unknown in Hollywood is scrapped as a tax write-off instead of getting released to theaters. Maybe the Covid delays saved the studio from a major embarrassment.
Original Source: The “Batgirl” movie was done. It was pretty much ready for release…yet Warner Bros has decided that despite the money and the all-star cast, it won’t see the light of day.
We can probably guess why, but does that mean we’ve reached a cultural turning point? Is the age of woke movies coming to an end?(READ: Does Warner Bros Tossing $90 Million In the Garbage to Kill ‘Batgirl’ Mean It’s Turning a Cultural Corner? )We talked about this during an episode of RedState LIVE!, but like I discussed the clues that we might be turning a […] Original Source:
Hope Is Good
As I noted in the show, I often focus on warning people about the risks that are out there in the world rather than highlighting the positives because I have a higher tolerance to bad news than many. My reason is because I’ve read my Bible. I know how the story ends. We have a wonderful eternity waiting for us, so whether we suffer or thrive in this life, I don’t get too worked up one way or the other.
With that said, I’m human and I love good news. Today’s show felt great.
Just read that 239,000 Americans left the workforce in July so any “good news” about employment should take that into account. We are getting closer and closer to half the employable aged population deciding to just sit on its rear end, play video games, and just live on collecting all the free handouts they can cheat taxpayers out of. Its the result of public education, a commie media, and breakdown of the family unit brought to you by liberals like those currently running what is left of the country into the ground.
>We are getting closer and closer to half the employable aged population deciding to just sit on its rear end, play video games,
or… maybe – just maybe….
About half the population is beginning to stay home and take of the children…. like they did for a few hundred years prior to 1970.
Of course, what’s not mentioned in the jobs report are what type of jobs have been created. Just more low paying part-time service jobs. Adding part-time waitress jobs won’t save the economy. Gig jobs driving for Uber or Lyft won’t provide much benefit either. Forcing California independent owner/operators into W-2 wage slaves shouldn’t count either. I see lots of ads in the classifieds for jobs at the low end of the wage skill. Walmart is always hiring. Restaurants are always hiring. Low level wage jobs are always hiring because the turnover is always so high.
Another thing to consider. Who are these jobs going to? Are more illegal immigrants being hired instead of native workers? There’s a total lack of breakdown on what types of jobs were created and who was hired. ZeroHedge usually does a good job of lifting the cover off Pandora’s Box on these types of reports. And, other websites have shown a good number of immigrants are hired as opposed to American workers. And, then a lot of that money is wired back to the home country to help support their families instead of being spent in the local community here in America.
Website shows the layoffs exceed the hiring.
No. You may not turn Batgirl into a jogger. I will literally fight someone to the death over that.
Still not one story, report, article, video, NOTHING stating any REAL FACTS…
Like, oh, COVID being Jewish-concocted and owned?
Albert Bourla mentioning rebuilding the George Guidestones?
ACE-2 receptor sites that are damaged by the “vaccines” are only present in whites and blacks and to a small degree Mexicans and Asians, but that Ashkenazi Jews lack the ACE-2 receptor the “vaccine” targets? Which is to say, it’s a Jew-created bioweapon?
Yes, I DO have the .pdf that establishes this.
How about Jew-banker WEF banks demanding lockdowns and quarantines in return for loans for their countries?
Then you have the fact COVID 19 has never been isolated, proven to exist, or cause illness in humans.
Oh, and I don’t see anyone mentioning the fact 100% of the “Monkey Pox” “victims” happen to be “vaccinated” against “COVID 19”? Which is to say, the odds that “Monkey Pox” ISN’T “vaccine damage” is, to use a mathematical term, “Statistically Impossible”.
No, ahh, mention of any of this, huh?
I’m still waiting for signs SOMEONE in the “alternative media” (LOL, SSSUURRREEEE) to WAKE UP.
*is WAKING UP. Butchered the last sentence there.
Simmer down, Adolph.
How much of the $90 million spent on the Batgirl movie was money laundering? That by itself can easily explain why they Don care about releasing the movie, they’ve already laundered $90 million.