I have some exciting news. NOQ Report will be rebranded and moved to America First Report! This will be a slow and steady transition, so please be sure to visit one or both sites regularly.
As we wrote in the About Us page on the new site, the reasoning for this transition is pretty simple:
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The reason for the change is straightforward. The branding for NOQ Report was just too difficult. As he did more interviews on various shows, he realized everyone seemed to pronounce the name of the site differently. Some said “knock report.” Others called it “noke report.” There was “N-O-Q report” as well as “No Q report.”
The letters stood for “News, Opinions, Quotes,” but he found that the last part of name, the quotes, were simply too hard to manage.
The short version of the story is this: Changing the name to “America First Report” better exemplifies what he originally wanted from his site and eliminates ongoing confusion about what “NOQ” even means.
This is going to take some time. It could be months. We’re moving everything manually for the sake of making it all jibe properly. Moving the site wholesale is a simple option that would save me a ton of time, but transitioning slowly because we do not want to lose readers in the process.
Stories will be posted to both sites, so you won’t miss anything by visiting one or the other. Eventually, NOQ Report will be phased out through redirects to the new site. That means anyone who has shared content can rest assured the links will always work. If you’ve bookmarked stories from here, they will continue here or be redirected. Again, this is a time-consuming process since we’re doing it manually, but it allows me to individually check each story rather than doing it in bulk and hoping for the best.
This is exciting news for us and hopefully for you all as well. The content will remain the same, and may even get better since we believe we’ll attract more quality contributors by having a name that makes sense to them.. The only thing changing is the name. The mission of fighting the good fight stays the same.