Editor’s Note: Visitors to this site know we are adamant about the need to protect wealth and retirement by moving assets to physical precious metals. The advice given below by Catharine Austin Fitts and Dr. Joseph Mercola further reiterates this. While I’m not a fan of causing panic over, well, anything, we’re at a stage in American history when heeding the advice of “fringe” experts is quickly becoming a best practice. Here’s the article and video from Dr. Mercola…
Learn the TRUTH about Gold IRAs and how most precious metals companies play dirty.
- Finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts discusses how to safeguard your finances and invest in your community instead of tyrannical governments and giant corporations
- Step No. 1 is to think small and spread your cash around in different places, including outside of the banking and brokerage system, such as keeping cash on hand in your home in a fireproof safe. Getting rid of debt also increases your resiliency
- Fitts advises keeping enough nonperishable food on hand to feed your family for two years, and stocking up on as many other household goods as you can now, before inflation drives up the cost of goods even more. This includes seeds, bulk food, office supplies and more
- You can also invest in silver and gold coins, even using them with your neighbors and community as your own local form of currency, allowing you to break free from the centrally controlled financial system
- Investing in infrastructure, such as a well for water, orchards for food or building your own energy supply, is also wise and can lower your overhead costs significantly
Global systems of food and energy production are being increasingly targeted and dismantled as part of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Great Reset, a decades-old plan to seize control of wealth and resources. Unbeknownst to many, we’re facing a battle of freedom versus slavery, and if they win, the world’s resources will be owned and controlled by a technocratic elite, and you’ll have to pay for the temporary use of everything.
One way to fight back is to join what’s becoming known as the Great Resist, which entails learning new methods of self-sufficiency and resiliency. I describe them as “new” methods but, really, many of them are more aptly described as old-fashioned — reverting back to “old timey” methods that don’t rely on Wi-Fi and the internet, or even electricity.
In the above episode of Financial Rebellion featuring finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts, she discusses how to safeguard your finances and invest in your community instead of tyrannical governments and giant corporations. “Preparing for the worst is always safer than being caught off guard by a crisis,” Financial Rebellion points out,1 and Fitts gives practical, real-life advice for doing so.
Think Small — and Like a Squirrel
I’ve dedicated several articles to prepping for food inflation and shortages of both food and energy. However, attention must also be given to protecting your financial health. Austin Fitts has spent decades exposing corruption and fraud, both within the banking industry and government, and she’s uniquely positioned to help you prepare for potential crisis.
Step No. 1? “Think small, and start thinking about all the ways you can spread your cash around and put it in different places, including outside of the banking and brokerage system,” she says, “but also how you can use your cash to permanently lower your expenses and permanently lower your risk.”2
To begin, think like a squirrel does when stashing away acorns for the winter. You want to have your cash spread out, in “little pots all over the place.” This starts with keeping cash on hand in your home, ideally in a fireproof safe.
“One of the dangers of having cash or coin at home is people forget where they put it … or you have somebody come over to fix the electricity and the next thing you know your cash or your coins walk out. So I’m a great believer in having one or two fireproof safes. The advantage of having more than one is one can be hidden,” Austin Fitts says.3
In addition to keeping some cash safely tucked away at home, Austin Fitts advises putting cash in a depository and a good local bank. You can also keep your cash in a safe deposit box at a local bank. “And again, think like a squirrel,” she says. “You don’t want everything in every place and at the local bank.”4
You can also invest in silver and gold coins, even using them with your neighbors and community as your own local form of currency, allowing you to break free from the centrally controlled financial system:5
“Silver and gold coins are a great alternative to cash and they’re very good as central bank currency. Silver is way down. I just keep buying as it goes down. I love silver coins … And this is something you can use with your neighbors. If you can get enough local businesses and neighbors interested in working and, and sort of spinning money around with gold and silver coins you can really get out of the system.”
At Austin Fitts’ website, The Solari Report, there is a silver and gold calculator6 you can use to exchange and transact with silver and gold coins.
Build Your Inventory of Real Assets
Building up your inventory of real assets is also important in times of crisis. Austin Fitts advises keeping enough nonperishable food on hand to feed your family for two years, and stocking up on as many other household goods as you can now, before inflation drives up the cost of goods even more. According to Austin Fitts:7
“Significantly increase your nonperishables … everything from stamps to whiskey to honey to maple syrup to spare parts to equipment, there are so many things, if you have the space, to build up your inventory of real assets that you and your neighbors really use and have high utility, because the likelihood in the current inflation is they’re only going to go up in price.
So build up those nonperishables. You know, have two years of office supplies if you need them. The next one, of course, is increase your perishables to the extent you can. Big one is seeds. Get seeds, bulk food, get as much bulk food as you can, because if you’re going to supply food for two years, a lot of that can come from bulk food.”
Beyond this, investing in infrastructure is also wise and can lower your overhead costs significantly. Instead of leaving your cash sitting in an investment fund, for instance, sell your stocks and put in a well on your property, or use it to build your own energy supply or partial energy supply. Use money to plant gardens or orchards for food; join a local food co-op.
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“Anything you can do to permanently lower your expenses … take the cash out of the bank, put it in building an infrastructure that permanently lowers your overhead in an inflationary environment or an environment where we could see extreme income deflation, it’s a great thing to do,” Austin Fitts says.8
Along with investing in infrastructure, you can improve your resiliency by bringing your home equipment up to standard, meaning investing in nondigital equipment. “My refrigerator? Nondigital. My stove? Nondigital, because I want to make sure they’re in great condition and I don’t have to worry about them for the next couple of years … I think it’s going to get more and more difficult to take care of things. acquire more nonelectrical equipment,” she explains.9
Toward that end, Austin Fitts advises investing in a library, including books on a wide variety of do-it-yourself skills — everything from canning to gardening to mending to what to do in emergencies are useful skills to help you survive in times of crisis, and it’s important that the information be in hard copy format, offline.
Other options include investing in a wood-burning stove and wiring your home to remove your reliance on Wi-Fi while helping to mitigate EMFs. Home health care supplies and equipment are also important to have on hand. “The more you can be your own doctor, take care of your own health, invest in your health. That’s what you need to deal with this environment,” Austin Fitts says.10
Debt also lowers your resiliency and puts you in a position where you have a higher overhead every month. Getting rid of debt increases your resiliency, Austin Fitts says, “so I like to get rid of it, whether or not it’s financially clever to have it. Get your credit cards off first. Get student loan off as soon as possible, auto, home equity, mortgage, everything.”11
It’s About Freedom Versus Slavery
All of these practical tips allow you to be self-sufficient and reduce your reliance on an increasingly corrupt system that’s going after complete control — of resources, finances and humanity.
“They want to control the food supply … if you can control the weather, the food supply and the financial grid, you have complete control and you’re back to slavery … it’s hard to fathom that we’re talking about people who want to achieve slavery. You know, I think most people can’t fathom why anybody would want to turn a billion people into slaves. But that’s what we’re dealing with. That’s the impulse.”12
Austin Fitts references The Great Reset’s “new normal” dictum — the part where you will own nothing and be happy. This isn’t a conspiracy theory; it’s part of WEF’s 2030 agenda.13 She explains:14
“It’s very simple. It’s about central control. And it’s about freedom versus slavery. And when they say it’s 2030 and you have no assets and you’re happy, what they mean is it’s 2030, we have taken all your assets and your mind control. That’s what they mean.
So if you think they’re not going to take your assets, you know, if you let them pick us off one by one, if they shoot the herd one person at a time, and steal people’s property, one person at a time, and you say, well, they’re stealing their property, but it’s not me, then it’s only a matter of time.
If they can steal the private property of one person, then they can steal yours. That’s how the law works. That’s why I always say the problem we have is a governance problem. And they’re trying to destroy individual and national sovereignty. And if we let them, they’re going to get everybody.”
Protecting Your Personal Security
Securing your boundaries on a personal, physical level is necessary in today’s world. You can do this by properly securing your home as well as taking steps to more actively defend yourself and follow your intuition or survival instincts when necessary:15
“Another could be getting trained and purchasing and having available a firearm or tasers or other tools that can help you protect yourself. Another is situational awareness. One of my favorite books is a book called ‘The Gift of Fear.’ It’s written by a top security expert and what he describes is why it’s so important to trust your intuition.
Your intuition will often tell you if there’s a problem. You have to learn how to trust it, and in that capacity fear is a good thing. The other thing is martial arts. If you don’t know how to kick a person or hit them in the eyeballs, it’s not a bad time to go take a course and learn.”
If this all sounds overwhelming, Austin Fitts recommends you “turtle forth,” a phrase she came to depend on in 1998, during a period of extraordinary stress.16 When you “turtle forth,” you keep moving forward, slowly and steadily, one step at a time — ignoring the bad around you and putting your intention and energy on the positive.
“When you wake up the next day, progress has been made. Forward action is a “force multiplier.” The divine intelligence has responded with a note of gratitude and support,” Austin Fitts wrote in 2014.17 Her words hold true to this day:18
“I tell people just turtle, just start. Just do what you can with what you have. Don’t worry about the fact that it all looks hopeless. Just start. I have on my refrigerator a big poster from John Cage, the musician. It says, ‘Begin anywhere.’ So you just have to begin. It’s like, OK, I’m going to start into the future. And you’re going to begin. So don’t worry that you can’t do everything. Just pick a place and begin. And it’s amazing how it snowballs.”
- 1 Rumble July 25, 2022
- 2, 3, 4 Rumble July 25, 2022, 2:51
- 5 Rumble July 25, 2022, 6:00
- 6 The Solari Report, Silver & Gold Payment Calculator
- 7 Rumble July 25, 2022, 5:30
- 8, 9, 10 Rumble July 25, 2022, 7:30
- 11 Rumble July 25, 2022, 10:00
- 12 Rumble July 25, 2022, 12:41
- 13 Forbes November 10, 2016
- 14 Rumble July 25, 2022, 14:48
- 15 Rumble July 25, 2022, 27:49
- 16, 17 Solari.com, Turtle Forth November 23, 2014
- 18 Rumble July 25, 2022, 31:48