“They lied to me about Covid and the jabs from the beginning,” Donald Trump says in the imaginary scenario I’ve concocted in my head. “Today, I officially denounce the Covid-19 vaccines and I apologize for touting them the last two-and-a-half years.”
That’s what I want him to say. I wish he would have said something to that effect already. The evidence is crystal clear. The powers-that-be and their minions that were placed in his administration have been lying from the start, manipulating him through his inherent desire for action against a perceived problem. Now, he has the tough choice of either going back on his claims that he saved tens or even hundreds of millions of lives or sticking to his guns with the narrative that the vaccines were good but mandates were bad.
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Unfortunately, he’s not alone with his Covid vaccine baggage. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, his biggest threat on the Republican side, has his own history of promoting the vaccines and lockdowns. He has tried to slowly reverse his perspectives but his history will weigh on him unless he, too, comes out with a full-throated condemnation of the jabs. He’s in better position than President Trump on the issue, but not by much.
The only major candidate to unambiguously condemn the jabs has been Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He’s been saying a lot of good things lately, but he comes with a completely different set of baggage. As a Democrat, he embraces policies that make supporting him untenable for most America First patriots. On the other side of the fence, some of his more Libertarian views make him a non-starter for radical progressives.
He’s the oddest of candidates with extreme views that make him hard for the murky middle to swallow. Outside of those who see the jabs as the only voting consideration, I’m not sure how he could build a strong enough base to defeat a sitting president, even one as unpopular as Joe Biden.
If Biden were to fall before the primaries for whatever reason, the DNC would bring in someone more controllable like California Governor Gavin Newsom or Michelle Obama. They won’t embrace someone so triggering as RFK Jr any more than they would embrace someone like Bernie Sanders.
That brings us back to President Trump. I desperately want him to denounce the jabs because it would make supporting him easier. I’m seeking simplicity at this point, not perfection. It’s easier for me than most people to not be so invested in presidential campaign politics because I’m a firm believer that only God can correct the disastrous course our nation is on, and only We the People can solve our problems, not politicians. With that said, I’m rooting for Trump to become the strongest possible opposition to globalism, transhumanism, and the Deep State.
Until he denounces the jabs, he cannot properly oppose globalism. He cannot oppose transhumanism. He can’t even properly oppose the Deep State. All three have been reliant on the promotion of the jabs and the dissemination of Pandemic Panic Theater to achieve their goals. On top of that, the likelihood of another “Plandemic” rises every day so we need someone in the White House who is at least skeptical if not adamantly opposed to everything the medical powers-that-be put forth.
Is anyone still reading or did I run off everyone already?
Trump supporters will say he’s taking a mulligan on his support of the jabs and that everything else is fine. DeSantis supporters will say he has at least been skeptical of the efficacy and safety of the jabs and therefore he’s closer to the truth. RFK Jr supporters will say the jabs are the biggest issue and we should ignore his leftist policies.
Everyone’s right and everyone’s wrong. And therein lies my dilemma. It all becomes a lot simpler if Trump comes to his senses, fires his advisors, and admits the jabs are killing more people than they’re helping.
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JD Let me answer that question.
Reason : Ego
that’s it
OH and I did vote for him