Editor’s Commentary: What’s the rush? Alleged deaths from Covid-19 are way down. Omicron has proven to be a nothingburger that is akin to a mild flu or average cold. So why are they pushing to get new Omicron-specific jabs rolled out before knowing anything about them?
The answer to the question is pretty obvious if you’ve been paying attention the last couple of years. They need to get as many men, women, and children jabbed as many times as possible in as short of a time as possible because the truth is finally starting to be embraced by “normies.” People are waking up to the reality that these injections are neither safe nor effective, so the powers-that-be have accelerated their plans for the new boosters.
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I talked about this today on the latest episode of The JD Rucker Show. Here’s the relevant clip, followed by the article referenced in it by Mac Slavo at SHTF Plan.
The new COVID-19 booster shots said to target Omicron, will be released before the human trials are completed. What could possibly go wrong?
The Food and Drug Administration will be approving the new boosters sometime this week before the human testing can be finished. That means, all the data they have to “approve” these injections is incomplete, and delayed side effects or deaths won’t be considered as a part of the FDA’s “approval” process. Not that they were when the first COVID shots were released either, so this really isn’t that surprising.
According to a new report by the Wall Street Journal, the new boosters are similar to the COVID vaccines currently available in the United States with minor modifications that protect recipients from the latest version of the Omicron variant. That’s good news, considering people are now dying of SADS (sudden adult death syndrome) and getting AIDS from taking the first few injections.
- Sudden Vaccines Deaths So Common They Have A Name: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)
- U.S. Ruling Class Data: Fully “Vaccinated” Are Developing AIDS
Instead of waiting on data from testing these injections on humans, the agency will use data from trials in mice (which are not at all similar to humans in any way) as well as the “real-world” evidence of the safety of currently available COVID vaccines and test results from earlier iterations of boosters targeting older strains to evaluate the newest boosters, FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf said.
Evidence like this: COVID-19 Jabs Have “Real-World” Immunity of MINUS 73%, Meaning People Are LOSING IMMUNITY
“Real-world evidence from the current mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, which have been administered to millions of individuals, show us that the vaccines are safe,” Califf said on Twitter. “As we know from prior experience, strain changes can be made without affecting safety.”
He added that modifying existing vaccines to include protection against different viral strains doesn’t require a change in ingredient and is a common practice the FDA does with flu vaccines. “FDA has extensive experience with reviewing strain changes in vaccines, as is done with the annual flu vaccine,” Califf said.
The United Kingdom is already being subjected to these new “vaccine” boosters too. We had mentioned it wouldn’t take the U.S. long to follow suit:
At least two scientists have stepped up saying it’s a bad idea to push these vaccines on the public based on mouse data. The experts penned an op-ed demanding that the FDA not rush through the roll-out of the newest shots. “I’m uncomfortable that we would move forward — that we would give millions or tens of millions of doses to people — based on mouse data,” one of the authors, Paul Offit, told the Journal.
Offit, an FDA adviser and director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, believes the comparison between flu shots and COVID-19 shots is not well grounded due to the differences in mutations and protection levels.
But it’s unlikely to matter at all. Because if the ruling class wants shots that amount to genocide, that’s what they will get.
Why bother with trials at all? Had trials for the mRNA COVID vaccines and folks who took them were still dropping dead right at left. Sheesh.
Kabuki theater. Any deception is warranted in The Great Reset.
COVID is basically the flu now. It does not affect the lungs as the alpha and delta variants did. LA-USC medical center hasn’t had an incubated ICU patient since February. If you’re healthy (no co-morbidities) then you do not need to get vaccinated.
It’s all about maintaining Big Pharma sales. Boosters have replaced the annual flu shots. Big Pharma only makes money if the people are sick. There will never be cures; only treatments.
The key to health is eating the proper human diet. Avoid sugar, refined carbs, seed oils. Eat a high animal fat, low carbohydrate diet and get off as many drugs as you can. Don’t trust the medical establishment. Double check everything they tell you. Get 2d, 3d, and 4th opinions. Do your homework.
It’s not ALL about money but that’s one of the biggest reasons. The global elite found a way to “thin the herd” so to speak on global population and make the herd pay for it.
Once again. There is no such thing as “covid”. It’s fake. It’s always been fake. Stop pushing this bullshit narrative.