Welp, they did it. They actually did it.
Hope that notch in your belt was worth splitting America in two, as well as guaranteeing Trump’s second term! Here’s the announcement:
And some reactions:
Earlier, we reported that the judge, in an extreme case of banana freakin’ republic, said that the jurors don’t have to be unanimous in their decision – they just need to have 12 votes total on any and or all of the charges, essentially guaranteeing a guilty verdict.The whole thing was an evil, fraudulent mess.The jury was about to be excused on Thursday afternoon when they reached a verdict, which isn’t good news in a deep blue state like New York. Look at how excited MSNBC was before the verdict: Targeting the current regime’s rival is “historic” instead of “shameful”! I expect three outcomes: > An immediate motion to appeal Millions of dollars in the MAGA […]
— Read More: notthebee.com
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