A decade ago, Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 disappeared without a trace. The official story behind the disappearance is simply that the government did not know what happened to the plane.
“They just said that the plane went missing,” investigative journalist Ashton Forbes tells Alex Stein , who himself was originally under the impression that the “pilot went rogue and locked the co-pilot out of the cockpit.”
“Now, we have this pilot-suicide narrative that’s formed over years, and I would argue that this has been potentially a government agency operation to get people to believe that it could possibly be a suicidal pilot when there’s absolutely no evidence whatsoever there was a suicidal pilot,” Forbes explains.
Meanwhile, the pilot has been ruled out by officials and had no issues whatsoever in his background.But Forbes has done his research, and what happened to Flight 370 is not a mystery to him. “The United States […]
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