Pavel Durov, the Russian-born entrepreneur who founded the Telegram messaging platform, was arrested on Saturday in France. He was detained at Le Bourget Airport near Paris after arriving from Azerbaijan. This arrest, stemming from an investigation into criminal activities allegedly conducted via Telegram, raises significant concerns about free speech and the future of encrypted communication. French authorities claim the app has been used for drug trafficking and distribution of child sexual abuse images.
Pavel Durov was detained on Saturday near Paris. Mr. Durov was arrested at Le Bourget Airport, about five miles north of the French capital, after landing on a private plane from Azerbaijan.
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Durov, widely known for his advocacy of encrypted communication, was whisked away to France’s National Anti-Fraud Office and remains in custody. As of now, he has not been formally charged, but his detention can be extended until Wednesday. By then, authorities must decide to charge or release him. While under detention, Durov could face serious allegations that include complicity in facilitating drug trafficking and the distribution of child sexual abuse material via Telegram.
Free Speech or Government Overreach?
The arrest has sparked a fiery debate over the limits of free speech and the role of governments in regulating communication platforms. Some Durov supporters view this as an egregious example of government overreach and censorship, especially given Telegram’s history of resisting measures that compromise user privacy. Western governments, on the other hand, have long criticized Telegram for what they view as lax content moderation, making it susceptible to illegal activities. […]
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