The mainstream media has noticeably ramped up the fear-mongering once again. Apparently, the new COVID variant is so scary, that it can “infect you every month.”
“Even having had Omicron, we’re not well protected from further infections,” said Professor Danny Altmann. Personally, the only people I know who were told that they had Omicron also had been injected with the mRNA concoctions at least twice. But The Independent is taking the fear to next level claiming the Omicron subvariant BA.5 can infect people once a month.
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Health experts across the globe are signaling alarm as they begin reporting that Omicron BA.5, the coronavirus strain that is currently outpacing other variants in infection and has become the dominant strain in the US and abroad, has the ability to reinfect people within weeks of contracting the virus. -Independent
More people appear to be contracting the virus multiple times in relatively quick succession, and NPR is blaming the new variant. Remember, NPR is literally state-run media for the ruling class, so take everything they say with a grain of salt.
National Public Radio (NPR) is a quasi-autonomous, government-funded nonprofit media outlet created by the federal government. -Influence Watch
“Not only is it more infectious, but your prior immunity doesn’t count for as much as it used to,” Dr. Bob Wachter, the chair of the Department of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco explained. “And that means that the old saw that, ‘I just had COVID a month ago, and so I have COVID immunity superpowers, I’m not going to get it again’ — that no longer holds.”
The ruling class is also already starting to promote the new mRNA shots that will target Omicron. The new booster shots specifically targeting omicron, could roll out as soon as this fall, and the ruler’s puppets say that they should also be helpful in preventing serious illness and deaths from this COVID scariant.
They are going to continue to panic people and try to convince them that they need shots to keep them safe. However, the shots haven’t been very effective at anything other than doing harm to those who obeyed and complied.
Article cross-posted from SHTF Plan.
YEAH….the Democrats are preparing for the 2022 Midterms….
So they can *CHEAT AGAIN*.
More lockdowns….more *drop boxes*….more *mail-in ballots*….
And probably….more Dominion voting machines.
I expect 2022 to be a repeat of 2020.
And….the Republicans will let them get away with it….AGAIN.