(WND)—A lot of what we believe is on the horizon for humanity has to do with our faith in God. Or perhaps I should say our faith in God’s existence. There are people who have faithfully attended churches their entire lives, but their faith in God has dwindled as the world has become more and more filled with evil people.
In fact, that particular condition can be laid at the feet of those of us who have attended church all those years, but did nothing to counter God being kicked out of schools, government and, indeed, sometimes even churches. Many of us have an affinity for religion, which is oh, so much more predictable than God. It is actually easier after attending churches for so long to prefer having a set of rules to obey, rather than to consult the Bible directly, or even more worrisome, the Holy Spirit directly, for guidance.
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Some of us may also have made the common mistake of jumping ahead in the Bible to Revelation, the last book. As with any book, sometimes you can find all you need in the last chapter; and sometimes not. God is the biggest subject there is, ever has been, or ever will be. Surely, He is worthy of our careful study and the revelation knowledge the Holy Spirit sometimes downloads to us if we ask Him.
I do know, however, from my own experience, that the Church Age seems to be missing a few of the bells and whistles that I was expecting. The Bride, rather than being excited about what she has accomplished in partnership with her Beloved, seems to have traveling to distant lands more on her mind than being the hands and feet of her Beloved during the preparation time of “making herself ready.”
It does seem that the Bridegroom may have expected more than regular church attendance prior to returning for a Bride without spot or wrinkle. The Bridegroom gave his Bride his Great Name to use in her efforts to make the world more to His liking. He gave her covenant nations to assist her in her efforts. He gave her other members of His Body with which to partner while he was away. He left her with some number of talents, whether money or abilities, and the parable of the talents seems to indicate that the Bridegroom will expect to see increase from what he gave her, upon his return.
The good news right now is that He is about to release financial talents that the Bride can use to make the world more pleasing to the Bridegroom upon His Return. He doesn’t expect her to squander these talents on her own comfort and entertainment. He expects her to do as He would under the same circumstances.
In the Song of Solomon, the young man pursuing the young maiden, refers to her in this strange manner: “My sister, my Bride.” He is at once making her equal with himself. If He thinks of and treats her as an equal, surely He is justified in expecting great things from her upon His Return.
The bulk of the church is not ready for Jesus’ Return. We haven’t made ourselves ready. We haven’t expended our time and talents on that which we know He loves.
Yes, He is helping us to overcome the cabal. But do not be surprised at the delay between the fall of the cabal and the return of the Bridegroom, while He watches the Bride to see if she is making herself ready for the marriage. Once the talents have been distributed, the courtship begins in earnest. There is nothing the Bride cannot accomplish, if she calls upon her Beloved for help. He expects increase upon his return, as the parable of the talents tell us. We will be given everything we need to make what we rule over, “On Earth, as it is in heaven.”
Don’t bury that talent you have been holding so tightly. He expects to see increase upon His Return. Let His church demonstrate to the Bridegroom that we were worthy of the terrible price He paid for our freedom! Expect to see what you will need to make the hopes and dreams you once had for serving others materialize. A Bride who has made herself ready will remake the Earth to her Beloved’s standards. Go in peace and be about His work!
Armageddon Story, Earth’s Final Kingdom Vol. IV, by Craige McMillan
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Excellent column, overall, with the exception of ONE sentence, a call to act in such a way so as to prove we were worthy of Jesus dying for us. The message of the Bible is that we could never be, or he would not have come to save us in the first place. The author either put that wrongly, or if was not an accident, he believes wrongly about
our sinful condition, and wrote an unbiblical idea in the midst of an otherwise outstanding article.
We are Christ’s bride by grace alone, through faith alone, by Christ alone, according to the scriptures alone. We DO NOT earn it. That does not mean we do not do the work Christ would have us do, and the culture has drifted from Christ, but that fight does not earn us anything. We engage because we are regenerated, and we desire what Christ desires.
That sentence alone about our “worthiness” is enough for me to distrust the entire article.
This is nothing but watered down humanist philosophy whitewashed with pop Christianity and is so far from scripture they don’t even share the same time zone.
“There are people who have faithfully attended churches their entire lives, but their faith in God has dwindled as the world has become more and more filled with evil people” Faithfully attending church doesn’t make someone a Christian. Many will stand before the throne and claim to do all these things in his name and he will say depart from me I never knew you.
If someone thinks that Christ will be pleased because of currency or prosperity then this is dangerous apostasy.
Beware of false teachers like this that are actually like ravenous wolves seeking to distort the truth and lead people astray.