Data from a shocking study published by Portugal’s National Institute of Health (NIH) suggests that the monkeypox outbreak was intentional and that the virus was manipulated in a lab.
When a person has monkeypox, they will usually get a fever before they develop a rash one to five days later. The rash will often appear on their face before spreading to other parts of the body. The rash then changes and goes through different stages before finally forming a scab that eventually falls off. If you’re infected, you are contagious until all the scabs have fallen off and the skin underneath is intact.
Monkeypox has always been extremely rare and the disease was first identified in humans in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Since then, human cases of monkeypox have been reported in 11 African countries.
But it wasn’t until 2003 that the first monkeypox outbreak was recorded in the United States. Monkeypox has never been recorded in multiple countries at the same time until this year.
This year’s cases of monkeypox have been recorded in the U.S., Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the U.K. all at the same time.
As of July, the alleged number of cases in the U.K. has skyrocketed to 1,235.
However, there’s something unusual about the outbreak, especially since the world is allegedly experiencing an outbreak across first-world countries all at the same time.
Back in March 2021, the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) collaborated with the Munich Security Conference (MSC) to run a tabletop exercise on reducing high-consequence biological threats. The exercise analyzed gaps in national and international biosecurity and pandemic preparedness architectures to find out possible opportunities to “improve prevention and response capabilities for high-consequence biological events.”
This is the scenario the NTI and the MSC conducted: A monkeypox outbreak that began on May 15 resulted in 3.2 billion cases and 271 million deaths by December 1, 2023.
The similarities are too close to reality and it would be unwise to consider the current monkeypox outbreak as an unusual coincidence, especially since the first cases were reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) on May 13.
Portugal’s NIH suggests monkeypox outbreak may have been engineered
Findings from the study conducted by Portugal’s NIH suggest that the current monkeypox outbreak may be engineered.
For the study, NIH researchers gathered specimens from nine patients with monkeypox between May 15 and May 17 of this year and analyzed them. Results revealed that the recent multi-country outbreak of monkeypox is probably the result of a single origin since all sequences of viruses released to date tightly cluster together.
The research team also reported that the virus belongs to the West African group of monkeypox viruses. Additionally, they discovered that the virus is most closely related to monkeypox viruses that were exported from Nigeria to several countries in 2018 and 2019, specifically the U.K., Israel and Singapore.
This is the first clue that shows how the latest outbreak may be the result of an engineered virus that leaked from a lab.
The second clue that the monkeypox virus was leaked from a lab is the fact that even though the virus closely resembles those exported from Nigeria, it is still different with more than 50 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).
SNPs are genetic variations and the researchers explained that 50 SNPs are “far more than one would expect.” This implies that someone manipulated the monkeypox virus in a lab. (Related: Study finds monkeypox virus has been heavily manipulated in a lab.)
Dr. Robert Malone broke down the Portugal study in an op-ed piece published by Life Site News and concluded that the current monkeypox outbreak is indeed engineered. “This double stranded DNA virus, infections by which have historically been self-limiting, appears to be evolving to a form that is more readily transmitted from human to human. Bad news,” he wrote.
Visit for more information about the monkeypox virus.
Watch the video below to know more about the monkeypox virus.
This video is from the Thrivetime Show channel on
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Let guess, CHINA