I traveled around the country as an elite swimmer for more than a decade, and I could never have imagined a world where men would be welcomed into the female-only bathrooms and locker rooms I used. I instinctively knew that separate spaces were for my privacy and protection. But as I have shared my own story about having to compete against a grown man in the pool, I’ve seen how broken our nation’s understanding of sex is.
It’s come so far that even organizations that were once “pro-woman” have completely rejected the basic understandings of woman and womanhood.
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Earlier this year the National Women’s Law Center, an organization supposedly founded by women to protect women, filed a brief opposing my suit against the NCAA on the grounds that “woman” should be redefined to include men.
When leading “pro-woman” organizations are engaged in a campaign of lies about basic physiology and anatomy – when they support men more than they support women – we need leaders who are bold. We need leaders who speak out and refuse to cave to critics.
Last week, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson did just that. He sent shockwaves through the media for saying something so painfully obvious it would have gone unnoticed even a few years ago. Johnson simply said: Men are men, women are women, men cannot become women. He understands that the government should protect men’s and women’s privacy, safety, and opportunity. […]
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