(Greg Reese)—For decades, Ray Kurzweil has been an unofficial spokesman for the trans-humanist movement. And in 2008 he said that humans would become infused with nano-robots which would vastly improve the human body.
“If you go out even to 2045, that’s only, you know, four decades from now, most of our intelligence, of our civil… of our human civilization will be non-biological. We’re going to put this inside our bodies and brains. So we’re going to become machines, but not… and if you say that people go, well I’m going to become a machine, because they’re thinking of machines as we knew them from the 19th century, which were much lesser than humans. And machines today are still lesser than humans. I’m talking about a new type of machine that’s actually greater, more subtle, more supple, more intelligent, more creative, more beautiful than humans.”
~ Ray Kurzweil
In 2010 he interviewed Robert Freitas on the Future of Nanotechnology, who said that nano-robots could cure aging and death.
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“Medical nano-robots really have the potential to extend human life more or less indefinitely. So what’s your view about the role of death? And do we need death?”
~ Ray Kurzweil“Death is something that is an end. It’s an end of life. It’s an end to progress. It’s an end to thoughts. It’s something to be cured. Aging is a disease. It’s a curable disease. Nanomedicine is the cure for that disease.”
~ Robert Freitas
He said that this technology is expected to be deployed by 2020, and that laws will be in place to protect the public from its misuse.
“I expect that by the time nano-robots are deployed, which will be sometime, perhaps in the 2020s to the 2030s, we will have a whole set of laws in place. Regulations. There will be things you can and cannot do.”
~ Robert Freitas
The laws were never put in place. But the technology was patented and deployed to billions of people without their knowledge in 2020. We know this because several independent labs have confirmed the presence of this nanotechnology in the COVID vaccines. And Bill Gates recently admitted to this as well.
“Making the mRNA is really easy and really cheap. And that’s the magic of this thing. But there’s no doubt in the next five years we can… you know, we just need to mess around. There’s a lot of lipid nanoparticles, and some are very self-assembling.”
~ Bill Gates
Self-Assembly and Self-Replication seem to be the same technology when it comes to nano-robots. And this was considered to be the greatest danger involved with the use of this technology.
“Self-replication causes disease. Nano-robots are inherently much stronger than biological systems, being built of Diamondoid, so if they self replicate, that ‘disease,’ quote unquote, could be even a tougher problem than biological disease. So first of all, what’s the feasibility of self-replication in the nanotechnology world?”
~ Ray Kurzweil“As a general principle, you do not want to put self-replicating nanobots inside the human body. I suppose not everybody agrees with me on that. But that is the way I think that we can best guarantee safety. If the robots… nano-robots, are able to replicate inside the human body, that means they are using some component of the human body as food. And we don’t want them to be doing that.”
~ Robert Freitas
In his 1986 book, Engines of Creation, Kim Eric Drexler wrote about what he termed the “Gray Goo Scenario.” A hypothetical catastrophic event caused by out-of-control self-replicating nanotechnology which consumes the biomass of the host. And this is exactly what independent researchers are finding. It explains the large so-called blood clots being found in the dead. And its spreading. Evidence shows that the vaxxed are shedding this to the unvaxxed.
“How do we prevent a terrorist or someone who’s bent on destruction from creating such a self-replicating system?”
~ Ray Kurzweil“There will be some terrorist acts because that’s what humans do, unfortunately. So what we’re going to be needing in this era of nano-factories is something equivalent to the fire department. Hopefully the incidents will be very few, but we will have an emergency regime which is set up to deal with that… that type of event.”
~ Robert Freitas
But the event is worldwide, and there is no agency setup to put this fire out. Our governments are not even discussing the problem. And the perpetrators are planning a second round of nano-bot deployment with another fake pandemic. If we the people can not unite and stand together now, then what exactly are we?
The other individual who also wrote very similar articles on the WEF site over the years was DR. MELANIE WALKER, which few have heard of, first noticed her in print by Whitney Webb —- Dr. Walker was an advisor to the WHO director (her position paid for by the GATES FOUNDATION) and an advisor to the WORLD BANK president (her position paid for by the GATES FOUNDATION), but more importantly she was the former SCIENCE ADVISOR to sex trafficker, JEFFREY EPSTEIN —she is presently science advisor to BILL GATES!
Presently, Dr. Melanie Walker occupies an NIH–funded position, an NIH–funded position, on the medical school faculty of the UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON, where Kate Starbird and others are involved in national and global CENSORSHIP, where Kristina Olson published her “paper” claiming that litte 3–year–old children can be transgenders (she’s now on the faculty of the PRINCETON Crime Center) and where Trevor Bedford the virology professor rushed forward to proclaim Covid–19 came from “bat soup” (it didn’t)!
Graphene Solution–gated Field Effect Transistor arrays (G–SgFETs) —- Charles Lieber’s nanowires, completed in 2011, Prof. Lieber from Harvard would work at the Wuhan University of Technology/Nanotechnology Key Lab from 2011/2012 to at least 2017, where it was surmised he labored on the master control program for those syringe–injectable nanowires?!
At some point a chip fab company, FREESCALE SEMICONDUCTOR, would finish a special project nanoprocessimg system for the WUT Nanotechnology Lab, but none of the fab engineers nor administrative people are alive to discuss it as they perished later onboard the mysteriously disappeared Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370?!
Lots of peculiar events and situations surrounding the BORGIFICATION of humanity?!
[FYI: The past 20 years, the #1 donor to the FNIH, the Foundation for the NIH, has been the GATES FOUNDATION — wonder how Fauci received all those super–bonuses over the years which dwarfed his government salary . . . Hmmmm???]