(DiscernTV)—Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is a plague in American culture. It rewards mediocrity, stifles success, and generates rewards for those who did nothing to deserve them other than claiming an odd pronoun or having the right skin color. On some of our publications, we refuse to use the acronym, opting to switch the letters around to make it represent its real purpose in America: DIE.
This article is the exception to that rule thanks to Dilbert creator Scott Adams.
He didn’t come up with the new meaning of the acronym, but he’s spreading it to a wide audience of millions and it’s starting to stick.
Whoever came up with “Didn’t Earn It” as the description of DEI might have saved the world.
Normally, the clever alternative names people use to mock the other side’s policy are nothing but grin-worthy.
This one could collapse the whole racist system. It’s that strong.
Whoever came up with "Didn't Earn It" as the description of DEI might have saved the world.
Normally, the clever alternative names people use to mock the other side's policy are nothing but grin-worthy.
This one could collapse the whole racist system. It's that strong.
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) March 21, 2024
“Didn’t Earn It.” Wow. Spot on. Let’s all share this as the true meaning of the acronym DEI because it actually makes far more sense than the leftists’ version.
DEI are communist political MINDER systems —— political commissar systems —— straight out of Mao Zedong’s bloody Cultural Revolution!
Why oh why do not the rubes comprehend this!!!
Sure, colossal acronym . . .
I am mystified why a few get what is happening while still too many believe in MAGICAL ELECTIONS and “business as usual” —- that ain’t happening, EVERYTHING has been flipped! The criminal class are the Special Entitled Class, along with ILLEGAL INVADERS!
These are the SUPER PRIVILEGED CLASS today! The serious crimes have almost all been decriminalized while property rights and self–defense are now crimes! Mass shootings and murders are answered with ankle monitors and freedom, while wrong political thought can send someone to prison for years!
Merit is anti–merit! Untrained pilots, medical personnel who practice the ANTI–HIPPOCRATIC OATH!
Small farms are under assault; small business sector has long been under assault, the national and international supply chains are being destroyed continuously!