Comments on: ‘Pride Is Not a Virtue’: Jordan Peterson Says He Is ‘Done’ With Pride Month The truth is dangerous to those in charge. Thu, 06 Jun 2024 14:35:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr_Yesterday Thu, 06 Jun 2024 14:35:50 +0000 Having never subscribed to cult ideology in the first place… I don’t care what the cult members think, and care even less about this guy. People are too easily influenced these days. The reason behind their ready susceptibility; They spend too much time on digital media. Trans is a fiat ideology, there is nothing real behind it other than the power of peoples collective personal belief. Which is what makes it a cult.

Easy life hack to screw with IT administrators whom push digital nonsense: Type hate mail in the https web address bar, enter the message after the companies full website dot com then back slash. So basically you just erase the specific page address and type in your message there instead. Copy the message to clip board, then submit the web request a hundred or a thousand times, using the back page button. The effort is easier with a custom Firefox browser where the landing page and page control tools are always visible at the top of the page, and those settings helps you avoid landing on fake pages and getting tricked with redirect links. This alerts the system of possible penetration attacks and a live human reads the comment. lol. I’m pretty sure some of the top people have read my comments, I do that on twitter all the dang time. There is no shadow banning of page address hits and no language filters either, not yet anyways.

During June your message would read something like this; Simply copy and paste, click enter. Repeat to infinity. Absolutely guarantee a live human will read the message. Anger is a gift.
