Remember Barack Obama? I’ll never forget him. He always thought more of himself that others did. But I digress.
I was just musing about a recent Politico story that carried the following headline: “Is Barack Obama Ready To Reassert Himself?” It was written by Jonathan Martin, Politico’s politics bureau chief and senior political columnist. (How is that title for overdoing the use of the root word “politics”?)
Imagine my fear and loathing about the aforementioned headline. As far as I am concerned, the best thing about America politics since Obama left the presidency is that … he left, and would not be returning. Now it appears he’s about to reassert himself. Should I be alarmed?
Let’s hear a little bit of what Martin wrote:
“As President Biden’s approval rating has languished this year, seemingly impervious to external events, a group of congressional Democrats have gotten a taste of the sort of younger, more charismatic presence some of them crave to lead their ticket next year. Albeit a grayer version.
“Former President Barack Obama has hosted a handful of informal, but lengthy private meetings with groups of next-generation House Democrats this spring, I’m told by multiple attendees. The initial session featured the chamber’s new trio of leaders, but he then held subsequent conversations with a range of lawmakers.”
Apparently, Obama is having some regrets. I’m not sure why. Does he regret selecting Joe Biden as his vice president? Does he regret the choice of supporting Hillary Clinton for president in 2016? Does he regret there was no other choice other than to test the rule that a former president cannot run for a third term?
Why couldn’t he? It’s just a rule – perhaps even a silly limit to the best kind of government. To clarify, it is a rule in the form of a constitutional amendment – but how many other amendments are violated in today’s governing culture?
When it comes to Obama’s old sidekick, 29 months into his illegitimate term in the White House, Biden has allowed approximately 5.5 million illegal aliens to enter our nation, a record, admitted without any oversight. It could be more. We just don’t know.
Is that an issue for Obama? No, it was planned all along. Does he regret anything Biden has done as president? Nope.
So what regrets does he have? Well, he regrets that Donald J. Trump might become president again – and nothing can stop him this time – no amount of cheating between now and the 2024 election, barring the unmentionable, Trump’s assassination, God forbid.
After all, that can become a dreaded reality, especially to those who have witnessed them. John Kennedy … Bobby Kennedy … Martin Luther King Jr. … Gerald Ford’s attempted assassination … Ronald Reagan’s attempted assassination – all took place in many of our lifetimes.
What’s to say it couldn’t happen again?
One side, the Democrats, all say Trump’s repeat as president is unthinkable, unimaginable, that he’s unsuitable, whereas, most Republicans can’t imagine not having a second term of Trump, that without it, America will basically not survive. That’s how divided we, as a nation, have become.
Think about it. In 2020, the Democrats cheated. Since then, they have indicted Trump twice. Before that they conspired to impeach him twice. They also attacked him mercilessly during his presidency. During the 2020 election, Democrats conspired to get Joe Biden over 81 million “votes” – by far more than anyone, including Obama, ever got. Other than that highly inflated tally of Biden’s, no president candidate ever achieved more than Trump’s 74 million.
Back to what Martin said or didn’t say.
“The sessions, which took place over cheese and crackers in Obama’s Washington office, are striking for a number of reasons. For starters, he rarely took much of an interest in counseling lawmakers when he was president.
“And while he reliably shows up on the stump each year for a number of Democrats, he’s hardly played the role of party power broker since leaving office. Podcasts, documentaries, his foundation and, yes, golf in Hawaii and on Martha’s Vineyard have taken precedence.
“Further, there’s the Obama-Biden relationship, which was never the bromance it was made out to be and was soured by Obama effectively tapping Hillary Clinton as his would-be successor. The times Obama has appeared with Biden since the former vice president became president have been marked by Obama overshadowing Biden.
“Surely recognizing this, Obama’s advisers took care to alert the Biden West Wing about the conversations, I’m told. A senior White House official corroborated as much, and said they received feedback from the conversations, but wouldn’t detail what they were told. An Obama adviser declined to offer a comment.”
No comment from Obama? It’s a story without a punchline, an ending.
We can’t even imagine how many Democrats expect an ending. We can’t even imagine what they have at stake. They’ve even accused Trump of formulating an “insurrection,” arresting some 2,000 of his supporters. Jan. 6 was nothing of the kind. Most see it as a “Fed-surrection” – among the dirtiest tricks ever done in the history of American politics.
We collectively shudder to see how this ends in 2024. God protect Donald J. Trump.
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