The New Hampshire primary is next week and corporate media is aflutter over the prospects of Nikki Haley beating Donald Trump. One can argue that the UniParty Swamp and their Deep State puppet masters are betting everything on the state as their last desperate attempt to stop Trump from getting the GOP nomination.
There are dozens of reasons Republicans should send Haley back to her cushy jobs with the Military Industrial Complex, but polls indicate that the message isn’t getting through. Perhaps a reminder about what she said in 2020 may wake them up.
According to Haley, Bill Gates deserved high praise for his efforts to jab every man, woman, and child in America with as many injections as possible:
Thank you @BillGates for donating billions of dollars to construct factories that will manufacture the seven most promising vaccines. This will keep us from losing any time as potential vaccines move through the clinical trial process.
Some will say, “It’s just an old Tweet.” To those people I would agree that by itself it would not be a big deal, but her body of work and expression of current opinions demonstrate this was not just a one-off slip up. Instead, it’s indicative of her core stances that empower Big Pharma, Big Tech censorship, trans-supremacy, globalism, and Neoconservatism.
Others will point out that Trump’s stance on the jabs hasn’t been much better. This is true. I’ve stated multiple times on the record that I would support the first conservative candidate who disavowed all forms of medical tyranny, called for an immediate end to the Covid “vaccine” program, and promised to launch investigations into the culprits who advanced Pandemic Panic Theater. That candidate never emerged. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is not a conservative and promotes an economic policy to the left of Joe Biden. Ron DeSantis, while arguably better than Trump on Covid policies, still toes the Establishment line on the jabs.
We can debate who among the current candidates would be best for the nation, but there are two names that should not even be in consideration. Joe Biden (or his replacement candidate) is obviously not an option. Nikki Haley is a close second as someone who should never be allowed in the Oval Office.
Well, yaaah, brah, Hillary Haley is a long-time WEF member, so of course she supports the WORLD’S LARGEST BIOPHARMACEUTICAL CORPORATION — — — the Gates Foundation!
And he controls the global vaccine market!
And Bill Gates Agenda to reduce EVERYTHING TO SYNTHETICS and then patent all those synthetics!
What is the nexus point or common intersection between the following: the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI), AG ONE, the CCP’s Social Credit System, Moderna (modeRNA), Jeffrey Epstein, Oxitec, Monsanto, Idemia, Microchips Biotech Inc., Onfida, ID2020, ID4D Multi–Donor Trust Fund, Better Than Cash Alliance, Earth Now LLC, BioNTech, Biomatics Capital, Particles for Humanity, TerraPower, Impossible Foods, Ginkgo Bioworks, Pivoy Bio, Syngenta, Bayer, Corteva/DuPont, Microsoft Azure Global/FarmBears Project, bng0, Editas Medicine, Digital Green, the WHO, Dr. Fauci, World Bank, Advocates For Youth, Harvard University’s Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment, or SCoPEx —- ANSWER: Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation
God has judged them both. They are damnedL