Comments on: NATURE Journal Reveals How Graphene Can Be Used to Assemble Radio Frequency Electronics in Biological Systems The truth is dangerous to those in charge. Tue, 23 Aug 2022 06:48:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gabriel Wilson Tue, 23 Aug 2022 06:48:26 +0000 Hi JD or Ethan,

This is a great article about a paper from 2014, which I’ve seen cross-posted on several conservative news sites, but I wanted to make you aware that there are more recent papers, such as this 2019 paper:

Back in 2014, graphene oxide as a biosensor was a future possibility, but now graphene wafers are being used in the medical field as biosensors that can relay information back to a medical professional via microwave frequency reflections.

This may be what Harari keeps talking about ( when he references bio-sensors in everyone.

What this easily could mean, is those who have taken the vaccine now have tiny microwave reflectors (graphene wafers) circulating throughout their blood streams. Those wafers reflect uniquely, depending on the chemistry going on around them, which is how they are used as a sensor. The graphene wafers themselves are not “smart”, that is, they don’t have a processor, but they are simply a material that reflects radio frequency extremely well, and those reflections can be affected by certain chemistry. What is “smart” is an external system nearby that sends out a powerful carrier signal and picks up reflections, doppler shifts, etc. That external system can pick up a vector “point cloud” from the “reflectors” in your body, showing what direction you are walking or moving, your heart beat and rates of blood flow, and also hormone and chemical levels. That’s a pretty complete biosensor system.

But wait, there’s no way Big Gov has enough microwave systems all around us to track everyone’s reflections, right?!? Actually, they already do. Cell towers already are using doppler RADAR style tracking of subscriber movements, to give you better service. While it seems unlikely that the dB signal level of 3G/4G towers is strong enough to pick up tiny reflections like graphene wafers from inside a human body, 5G is now using much higher power — orders of magnitude higher, in fact. Is it high enough to pick up those reflections from graphene biosensors? Maybe. If so, then a system really is in place to monitor the bodies of every human being on the planet.

In conclusion, there’s no specific need for the graphene wafers to be self-assembling or have any special processing or communications capability. The wafers themselves don’t need to be smart, just uniquely affected by surrounding movement and chemistry. This is the objective of the 2014 paper, now culminating in mature technology in 2019.

I just wanted to make you aware of this. This is something I’ve been doing a little research on for the past several months. My area of expertise is electrical engineering, and I have some experience in microwave and RADAR systems, which utilize the same bands as cell networks.

Feel free to reach out and contact me.


