It takes a tremendous amount of courage to fight the good fight when doing so is personally and professional harmful. We’ve experienced the effects of financial cancel culture on this site, but our woes are infinitesimal compared to the massive attacks from multiple angles levied against Mike Lindell and MyPillow.
The America First patriot has not backed down in his fights against voter fraud and other threats to America. But it has cost him and his company dearly over the past couple of years. Big box stores have canceled him. Places where he used to advertise have cut him off. Lawsuits threaten his company’s very existence. Lindell has become persona non grata to those with their allegiance to leftism or the UniParty Swamp.
In July, he was forced to make major changes to his company in order to maintain steady operations. He hopes it’s temporary, but for now he is auctioning off equipment and subleasing some of his manufacturing space. According to Zero Hedge:
Lindell, a vocal supporter of former President Donald Trump who has gone to great lengths to dispute the results of the 2020 election, told the Star Tribune that he’s lost $100 million from ‘attacks by the box stores.’
“It was a massive, massive cancellation,” said Lindell. “We lost $100 million from attacks by the box stores, the shopping networks, the shopping channels, all of them did cancel culture on us.”
The stores which dropped MyPillow products include:
- Walmart
- Bed Bath & Beyond
- Slumberland Furniture
Now, Lindell is selling over 850 pieces of ‘surplus equipment’ online, including sewing machines, industrial fabric spreaders, conveyor belts, electric forklifts, and more.
As our oldest sponsor, MyPillow holds a very special place in our hearts. We probably wouldn’t be where we are today if it wasn’t for the revenue they helped us generate in the early days. Now, we are asking our audience to help Lindell and MyPillow as well.
Whether it’s bed sheets, robes, dog beds, towels, slippers, a complete mattress system, or the new MyPillow 2.0 itself, please consider purchasing from them. You can receive maximum discount by using promo code “JDR” but frankly I’m not too concerned about which promo code you use. MyPillow needs help and it behooves America First patriots to do what we can to reward Lindell for continuing to fight the good fight.
If he falls, it will be a major blow to the movement America needs so desperately right now. Please check out MyPillow’s discounts today.
If we can’t save MyPillow, how can we save America?
I fear America is becoming a third world country. For someone who grew up during our strongest period, it is so disheartening!
Your fear is their plan.
I have been shopping at Wal Mart because it is cheaper than the other grocery store in the area and has things hard to get in the small town but I am going to stop this and tell them why.
I’m glad you are considering the tremendous damage Walmart has done to middle class America. How many small businesses have failed because you can buy everything under one roof? WM is the largest reseller of Chinese goods in the US, with just over 80% of what they sell sourced from China. That’s a lot of manufacturing jobs lost. Please don’t support the slow destruction of America because prices are lower at Walmart.
Walmart is not cheaper and watch what rings up. I went there the last two times, first and only for me, because at 89 I had to go where the volunteer took me. I questioned them on two items that rang up wrong, it did not give me the sale price, the next time, I paid attention and it was 3 items that rang up wrong. When I got home I emailed the company and never heard from them. That was 3 weeks ago.
By all means, let Walmart know why you aren’t shopping with them anymore; they deserve it. But on a personal note, I’m Canadian and My Pillow doesn’t ship to Canada. I visited my cousin in Missouri in May and had My Pillow ship two pillows to her place before I left. These are honestly the best pillows I have ever had. I have constantly had neck problems for several years because of bad pillows, which I purchased at Walmart and other places. If the other items are as quality as these pillows, if I lived in the States, I would be purchasing from them anyway.
See mypilllow.ça that’s éthéré et shop and I’m in Québec.
Gis bless Mike Lindell !
Good for you!!! God bless you. My family emigrated from Quebec back in the late 19th century down to Vermont, and then over to California at the turn of the 20th Century. I want to visit Quebec.
Thank you Charlene , I also come from a small town and Walmart came in around 20 plus years ago. Now there are very few small businesses left within a 100 mile radius. And all they sell is things from foreign countries. There food , at least most of it is old . Check the expiration dates and you will find it is within a few days. Most of the meats have a label use by — and the date is the following day
They have become MULTI BILLIONAIRE and ruined thousands and thousands of small businesses across America. Each one of those Walmart kids are worth over 50 BILLION dollars. It is sickening
Great! ” dont give your money to people who hate you”…i have a good life without shopping at walmart
Actually, my local Wal Mart has been getting higher priced of late as well as understocked . I can do much better at Kroger now. You may be pleasantly surprised. ?
Mike Lindell why don’t you start making American Flags? You have the equipment and it would be a hot item to sell.
Mike. And sell under wear with a phone pocket My Pockets. I’m im for a half dozen pair of boxers
You should keep cell phones away from your privates. If you don’t believe there is a problem, purchase an EMF/RF meter, turn your phone on, and see how high the radiation levels are. You are cooking your stones by keeping a cell phone in pants (or underwear) pockets.
Ditto shirts that put the phone near your heart.
If everyone reading this bought a meter to show how much radiation is generated in electrical outlets, tvs (even when turned off), most appliances, all tech devices, fans, land lines, battery powered anything, et al ad nauseam, you would be appalled.
Notice how they got rid of incandescent light bulbs? They didn’t put out the radiation. New light bulbs – all of them – put our massive amounts. Smart meters are off the charts. There are no meters yet that can measure 5G towers because the radiation levels are so high (last time I looked was about 5 months ago).
Take a meter near a cell tower and watch the numbers go off the chart. God help those who live right next to them.
Seriously – get a meter and you will start to understand what a serious health issue this really is . . .
There is not even a tiny bit of truth in what you write. Clearly you’re someone with no technical training.
Excellent idea. That would save his company for a long while.. Made in America. What an original idea?
Love this idea!
That’s a great idea. I would go further and suggest he make state flags as well. About now, a lot of people in Texas are proud of their government standing up to Joey Biden and the open-border crowd. And if you look for American flags in a lot of stores, they’re marked “Made in China”!!! There are a few patriotic companies that do make their flags in the U.S. Patronize them too.
I agree,Linda. Better yet… produce all kinds of patriotic flags for the next election. Ones we can also fly on cars. He could get the word out through alternate media. He would be flooded with orders!
Every My Pillow item is readily available on somebody is lying to somebody
Cannot find My Pillow – only lookalikes .. dig deeper. If you find a link to My Pillow products being sold by WM pls provide. ?
I just checked too, is selling my pillow products.
Cannot find My Pillow – only lookalikes .. dig deeper. If you find a link to My Pillow products being sold by WM pls provide. ?
You can buy them and have them shipped. You’re not available in the stores. (As far as I can tell.)
Pillow guy is a clown, and an insult to America. The sooner this wacko is out of business, the better.
He is a perfect example of a guy who is hurting the cause. People won’t even look into the stolen election because of idiots like this. What happened to your GUARANTEE, PILLOW GUY? 9-0 SCOTUS RULING GUARANTEED. HE SAID HE WOULD BET EVERYTHING ON IT.
His symposium was a joke, he put up his challenge then didn’t pay. Just go away, when they said Trump surrounded himself with losers, #1 is Pillow Guy.
“They” wouldn’t have looked into the stolen election under any circumstances because “they” are the ones who stole it.
my thoughts as well
I’m with you, Bella.
Is your name Jack Smith?
No, I think it’s Jack @ss!
His concerns were echoed by former Secretary of State James Baker and by former president Jimmy Carter in their report, years ago, on elections. They both agree with Lindell.
Everything I have ever bought from MyPillow has been of excellent quality: flip-flops, slippers, sheets, pillow cases, blankets and mattress toppers. So, in addition to supporting a good cause, you’re supporting the creation of good products manufactured in the U.S.
I saw Mike explain that there is no “selling off of equipment” beyond his regular industrial upgrades and maintenance. So, essentially, this entire articles premise is based on erroneous information. Important to fact check, or we look silly and are without credibility.
This ‘news article’ is a “sponsored post.” So, yes. If you read it any other way, you fell for their marketing.
I saw Mike explain that there is no “selling off of equipment” beyond his regular industrial upgrades and maintenance. So, essentially, this entire articles premise is based on erroneous information. Important to fact check, or we look silly and are without credibility.
Why we explain to the American people that “shuddered” WAL-MART stores are now housing from 5,000-10,000 illegal minors waiting to be slave trafficked across the US, as well as other foreign countries. We have the receipts, and photos.
Keep us informed . Most of us don’t know the day of the week.
Mike Lindell may have a wonderful set of products and he may be a genuine conservative republican, as I am. But his ads are irritating to the max, especially since they come on Fox or Newsmax every 7 or 8 minutes or so. I simply cannot help but switch to Newsnation to get away from his stupid grins and arm shakes. Please tell him to use someone else besides himself to sell his products – and the cut back to one per hour or less. . .
Love the products from My Pillow. The dog beds are great, unless you have a dog that tears up their beds!
I bought pillows and a mattress topper from My Pillow. The pillows were exceptional. For comfort and flexibility, they are the best on the market. Same with the topper. The topper transformed my bumpy mattress into a very comfortable bed where I get a good night’s sleep.
They keep saying Walmart dropped him but every kind of “My Pillow” is available on and has been for some time. Can anyone explain this?
My Pillow is the best. Walmart and Target cheat the system and they know it. You’re the best Mike
The Mypillow site blocks me from buying stuff because they don’t allow VPN and anonymous browser connections. Sometimes the great Lindell is his own worst enemy.
Well, to be honest, Lindell’s pillows are lumpy and uncomfortable. This could be a contributing factor, plus his fake Christian projection.
He is still on Amazon.
I would rather starve and live on the streets than buy a damn thing from Walmart – the people who own it are Democrats and donate massively to Democrats – enough said.
Months before my wife of 44 years past away (pancreatic cancer) she ordered 2 full sets of sheets from MyPillow. I didn’t know why she did this, it was the last thing, other than groceries, that she bought. Silly move I thought. Then I put a set on the bed, as she was unable to do so. I never paid much attention to sheets in the past. But these are the best sheets I’ve ever had. The fabric is in a class by itself. Really close weave, so close the cat’s claws cannot penetrate into it, and that’s a surprise even to the cat! So that’s two for two, as we started with the pillows years ago. I know this may sound like an advertisement, but I assure you, it’s not! Joe in Brooklyn Center, MN — Thank you Mike!