Editor’s Note: As always with Greg Reese, his brilliant analysis comes with the disclaimer that not all of his claims are Biblically or even logically aligned with our perspectives. Of particular interest in this episode of Greg’s show is his declaration that Israel is in the middle of genocide. We do not agree with the characterization but, as always, we respect the fact that people are entitled to their own opinions. With that said, here’s Greg’s commentary…
(Greg Reese)—The solar eclipse on April 8th is becoming a major event. The National Guard is being deployed and the people are being advised to have two weeks of food and to fill their fuel tanks. This could all be explained due to the fact that tens of thousands of visitors are expected along the path of totality. But many people believe they could be preparing for possible earthquakes due to the Devil comet aligning with the April 8th eclipse, and due to the fact that in 1811, a comet also appeared in the skies during a solar eclipse on the same path and was followed by the biggest earthquakes in American history.
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Known as the New Madrid earthquakes, around 10,000 earthquakes occurred in just three months time. The biggest being measured at 8.8 magnitude. They were the most devastating series of earthquakes in recorded history. But it was a different comet. And while some claim that a solar eclipse can trigger earthquakes, this scenario seems unlikely.
This eclipse season is however, a very rare event. The recent eclipses in August of 2017, and October of 2023, along with the upcoming one on April 8th, forms an Aleph and a Tav over the United States. The Aleph and Tav are the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. These eclipses mark the end of the Great Year, a twenty-six thousand year period that starts anew with the dawning of Aquarius and a new golden age.
Manly P. Hall wrote that high level Masons designed America for a “peculiar and particular purpose.” A secret destiny to bring about a new Atlantis, or a New World Order, where in a King descended of a divine race will rule over all. In rituals, this King is symbolized as Apollo, Horus, or Nimrod, the father of Freemasonry. And is thought to be a descendant of the biblical Nephilim, or the Sumerian Anunnaki. According to Thomas Horn, this will happen in 2025. Which corresponds to several documents published by Intelligence agencies, such as, Global Governance 2025, Global Trends 2025, and the 2025 Deagle Forecast on world population.
NASA is notorious for performing Masonic rituals based on the Egyptian Mystery Schools. Apollo being the same character as Horus. Sirius representing Isis. And Atlantis being the new golden age they hope to restore. And during the eclipse on April 8th, NASA will fire three rockets named after Apep, the Egyptian serpent god whose goal was to devour Ra, the sun. And when the sun re-emerges after three minutes of darkness, it will be likened to the rebirth of Horus. Their new King of the golden age.
CERN, known for practicing occult rituals at a statue of Shiva, the Hindu god who symbolizes death, destruction, and the end of an age, will be firing up their Large Hadron Collider to full power during the solar eclipse.
And Israel, who is in the midst of committing Genocide, is preparing to sacrifice a Red heifer. A ritual sacrifice to prepare them for taking back the Temple Mount.
“Red heifers, to be precise. Some Jews and Christians believe they’re the key to rebuilding the historic Jewish temple in Jerusalem. And to beckoning the Messiah. To understand, you have to go back nearly 2000 years when the ancient Romans destroyed the last temple in the city to rebuild it. These believers point to the Bible’s Book of Numbers. It commands the Israelites to sacrifice a red heifer without defect or blemish, and that has never been under a yoke. Only then can the temple rise again. Those sacred cows were showcased in Washington at a recent prayer gathering. Many evangelicals believe these red heifers will usher Christ’s second coming.”
~ Chris Livesay (CBS News)“We need the Messiah to come, right? So for me, the red heifer, it’s red for the blood of Jesus Christ.”
~ Evangelical leader“A massive altar already awaits where the heifers are to be burned. According to some believers, the ceremony needs to be performed right here on the Mount of Olives looking directly into where the temple once stood. But something else now stands in its place.”
~ Chris Livesay (CBS News)
Once they forcibly take the Temple Mount away from billions of Muslims worldwide, it will predictably thrust the world into the peak of chaos that these secret societies have been designing for centuries. And their plan is to bring order out of this chaos with their divine King to rule over the world.
But these are just rituals, and fear is an illusion. We can always choose love.