Mainstream media outlets like the Daily Beast and Newsweek have twisted Russia’s recent report on American biological laboratories in Ukraine, claiming that the Kremlin believes these illegal laboratories are creating mutant super soldiers for the war effort.
The Daily Beast ran an article with the headline “Russia Says It’s Losing Because Ukraine Has Experimental Mutant Troops Created in Secret Biolabs.” Newsweek’s mocking false article is titled “Russia Claims Ukraine Soldiers Made Into ‘Monsters’ by Secret Experiments.”
Even smaller media outlets like Consequence, an online pop culture-focused publication, jumped in on the bandwagon by running an article titled “Captain Ukraine? Russia Claims It’s Losing to Army of Lab-Created Super Soldiers.”
All of these articles claim that Russia’s latest report on biological laboratories in Ukraine funded by the United States government are conducting secret experiments on Ukrainian servicemen to transform them into “the most cruel monsters” who are “drugged up” before they are sent to the frontlines.
“By pushing a straw man argument that Russia thinks the U.S. is creating Captain America-type super soldiers, the media are not only mocking the story but also distracting from the reality of the shady network of biological laboratories the U.S. operates across the planet,” wrote journalist Kelen McBreen for InfoWars. (Related: ‘Shilling for the devil’ – media explodes as pope admits NATO ‘provoked’ Russia.)
Establishment politicians have further pushed the narrative that Russia believes America and Ukraine are creating super soldiers.
“Those Russian legislators must have been watching too many cartoon reruns,” joked retired Army general and former Illinois Democratic Congressman Willian Enyart Jr, who then went on to claim that the American-funded biolabs in Ukraine are not real.
“There is no truth to this ancient rumor at all,” he stated. He added that Russia is only looking for somebody to blame because it is losing the war in Ukraine. “Clearly, they need someone to blame and that bogeyman is the United States of America.”
“The media’s lame attempt to put down the bio lab story is extremely transparent and it shows they’re worried about the Russian investigation, which could lead to a United Nations investigation under the Biological Weapons Convention,” wrote McBreen.
Russian report proves Ukraine is releasing deadly diseases and deliberately infecting servicemen
In reality, mainstream media outlets are attempting to cover up the fact that Russian investigations have proven that the American-funded biological laboratories in Ukraine are experimenting on Ukrainian soldiers and exposing them and other people in Ukraine to dangerous diseases.
This “bombshell” report was introduced to the Russian Federal Assembly by State Duma Deputy Chair Irina Yarovaya and Federation Council Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Konstantin Kosachev on Monday, July 18.
According to the report, blood samples obtained from Ukrainian prisoners of war revealed that the soldiers tested positive “for a number of diseases,” including diseases that are not commonly found in the territory of Ukraine, and that “the content of the corresponding substances exceeds the permissible norms by several times.”
Kosachev said it is very clear from this investigation that Ukrainian soldiers were experimented upon and that the Ukrainian government deliberately exposed people within their territory to “extremely dangerous diseases.” Kosachev added that these experiments were likely being done in a military context, likely to test the possibility of exposing Russian soldiers and civilians to bioweapons.
Yarovaya noted that the tests on Ukrainian soldiers showed that they had very high titers for Hepatitis A. Twenty percent of the prisoners even tested positive for West Nile fever. Yarovaya also suggested that the Ukrainian soldiers are being drugged “in order to generally neutralize the last traces of human consciousness and turn them into the most cruel and deadly monsters.”
The drugging further explains how Ukrainian servicemen are so willing to engage in cruel atrocities against civilians and Russian soldiers, including prisoners of war.
“This is a single system of management and creation of the most cruel killing machines, which was sold under the control of the United States,” said Yarovaya.
The Russian government’s full report on American-funded biolabs in Ukraine will likely be published in the fall, where Yarovaya said the biolab network will be “brought out of the shadow of disguise and present to the entire international community [as] evidence of a dangerous U.S. military biological project.”
Watch this clip from InfoWars as Alex Jones talks about the Democrats demanding over $650 billion to escalate the proxy war with Russia in Ukraine.
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Sources include:
the US military itself reported the US had 46 bio labs in the Ukraine, what do you suppose they were working on?
the Vaccines that were created were classified as biological weapons by Doctors familiar with the Nuremberg trials description of biological weapons and should be outlawed. American reporters in the Ukraine are not allowed to
report the crimes committed by the Ukrainian troops on their own people and if they are they are castigated by all of the liberal press as well as Congress, it seams as tho the Democrats, the Rhinos and traitor Biden will not be
satisfied until they have ruined this country, When will the Media get enough courage to call out Biden as the
Traitor that he is?
Even the most skeptical person who wonders how much propaganda is woven through this story cannot escape the fact that the US military has acknowledged 46 biological labs in a foreign country on the border of Russia nearly 5000 miles from the US. This stinks to high heaven. The media should be all over this demanding detailed answers and exposing the corruption and following the money trail.