(Substack)—Corporate cheating scandals are always big news. They often result in huge fines and can lead to class-action lawsuits when giant companies flub data to keep the public in the dark. But the latest automotive data cheating scandal is getting zero attention. Why? Because it’s not the companies but the U.S. Department of Energy that is doing the cheating.
The reason, of course, is because they are desperate to push their so-called “green” agenda to fight so-called “climate change” so they intentionally manipulated fuel efficiency data so consumers wouldn’t realize how awful electric vehicles really are.
As WSJ noted, this isn’t a minor adjustment. The federal government allows EV companies to multiply their reported efficient by nearly 700% [Emphasis Added]:
It’s hard to think of a worse environmental scandal in recent years than Volkswagen’s 2015 diesel-emissions cheating. The German automaker was rightly pursued by regulators, enforcement agencies and class-action lawyers.
The scandal ended up costing Volkswagen an estimated $33 billion in fines and financial settlements—and revealed that diesel-emissions cheating was endemic. In 2020 Daimler AG made a $1.5 billion settlement over emissions cheating in Mercedes-Benz diesel vehicles. (One of us helped secure that settlement.) Last year engine maker Cummins agreed to pay $1.7 billion to settle claims that it skirted diesel-emissions standards.
In all of these cases, regulators punished carmakers that had cut corners and misled the public. But when it comes to electric cars, the government has a cheating scandal of its own. That scandal, grabbing far fewer headlines, is buried deep in the Federal Register—on page 36,987 of volume 65.
When carmakers test gasoline-powered vehicles for compliance with the Transportation Department’s fuel-efficiency rules, they must use real values measured in a laboratory. By contrast, under an Energy Department rule, carmakers can arbitrarily multiply the efficiency of electric cars by 6.67. This means that although a 2022 Tesla Model Y tests at the equivalent of about 65 miles per gallon in a laboratory (roughly the same as a hybrid), it is counted as having an absurdly high compliance value of 430 mpg. That number has no basis in reality or law.
For exaggerating electric-car efficiency, the government rewards carmakers with compliance credits they can trade for cash. Economists estimate these credits could be worth billions: a vast cross-subsidy invented by bureaucrats and paid for by every person who buys a new gasoline-powered car.
Until recently, this subsidy was a Washington secret. Carmakers and regulators liked it that way. Regulators could announce what sounded like stringent targets, and carmakers would nod along, knowing they could comply by making electric cars with arbitrarily boosted compliance values. Consumers would unknowingly foot the bill.
The secret is out. After environmental groups pointed out the illegality of this charade, the Energy Department proposed eliminating the 6.67 multiplier for electric cars, recognizing that the number “lacks legal support” and has “no basis.”
Carmakers have panicked and asked the Biden administration to delay any return to legal or engineering reality. That is understandable. Without the multiplier, the Transportation Department’s proposed rules are completely unattainable. But workable rules don’t require government-created cheat codes. Carmakers should confront that problem head on.
This is a bombshell story and WSJ is among the few in corporate media covering it. The rest that did take note made sure to bury the story as far back as possible. Between government, corporate media, activists, and the Globalist Elite Cabal, they will do anything they can to make people believe electric vehicles aren’t nearly as disastrous as they currently are.
I will run out and buy an electric vehicle if the price comes down to what its worth: $846.
EV’s are junk. Anyone who buys one deserves their fate. There is not one positive thing to be factually stated about electric vehicles. They fail on all counts. Prove me wrong!
They can pad the numbers all they want, you’ll NEVER see an EV in my driveway. Why do you think stealerships are unable to unload that garbage?
The powers that want America crippled and the middle class controlled and voting to be rigged so these criminals can continue to run their giant gang style rule over the country. They seem to want the Chinese to end up with 90% of the car building facilities and put more Americans on welfare ASAP… this EV push is all part of the dirty lie they have brainwashed kids into believing and another part of the repayment Biden has to make to the globalists visions of the future. EV’s are worthless unless you have a big charger in your home ($$$) and you only drive 100 miles or less. And even then, this scenario is a luxury item for the rich to enjoy NOT THE REST OF US.
To force all of America to buy something that is not practical for most people is GOVERNMENT CONTROL and ABUSE OF THEIR OFFICES.. it is TYRANNY… and to enrich our greatest threat in China (a nation that uses slave labor and harvests its people organs to sell) to have a government who is helping them at every turn is a ticking time bomb. !
I pray we all reach our limit and we have something like Lexington and Concord happen at the border in Texas. The nation actually needs a civilian war…. I hope Biden orders the military to fight the Texas NG.! Americans will rise up by the tens of millions to help TEXAS…! and I hope we make this a nationwide revolt..! And real Americans hang every deep state actor we can find hiding in their holes…. and every lunatic liberal from the trees. Perhaps America sticks their heads on poles as a warning to any politician who thinks they will rule over the people ever again…!
That is how dangerous these EV’s actually are.. They will destroy our massive automobile industry unless we FORCE these RATS out of OFFICE.. or America finds its courage and we all Rise up and Hang them all..!