Billionaire Twitter-Tesla-SpaceX owner Elon Musk is a true political enigma. At times he seems to be a full-blown libertarian. At other times he seems as “woke” and leftist as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. He’s all for free speech but actively endorses the Chinese Communist Party’s authoritarianism. He’s worried about artificial intelligence while investing into its advancement.
His perspectives are all over the board, but he gets it very right when it comes to children “transitioning.”
In response to a Tweet about increased suicides among those who have transitioned, he posted:
This is a major problem. I will be actively lobbying to criminalize making severe, irreversible changes to children below the age of consent.
Shame on those who advocate this! It is utterly contemptible.
This is a major problem. I will be actively lobbying to criminalize making severe, irreversible changes to children below the age of consent.
Shame on those who advocate this! It is utterly contemptible.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 2, 2023
Normally, when someone says they will be “actively lobbying” it’s a statement without bite. But Musk has the influence to properly lobby for change. He also has the platform, of course.
Adults should be able to do whatever they want to do with their bodies as long as it doesn’t affect another person. Children should not enjoy such rights because they lack the maturity to understand the permanent impact of their decisions.
Respectfully, Elon Musk is a full-blown libertine, not a full-blown libertarian. Any politician or corporatist who favors things like open borders, yet also allows for a welfare state, is not – repeat not – a libertarian.
A libertarian believes in individual liberty and individual responsibility: There must be neither stick nor carrot. The so-called libertarians, such as the often-touted Koch brothers, want open borders with welfare.
That exposes such for what they are: self-centered, self-serving billionaires who just want cheap labor for their corporations, and government welfare so that they do not have to pay workers a decent wage.
Elon Musk has built much of his empire on taxpayer subsidies (taxation for which we no longer have genuine representation). Conservative pundits called him a “grifter” circa 2008 – and they were correct.
“Adults should be able to do whatever they want with their bodies as long as it does not affect another person”?
You might want to think that through. Every thing a person does to their body affects someone else either physically or emotionally, and most often negatively. Your mindset is a dangerous slippery slope. For example:
on your grounds, there is nothing wrong with someone selling themselves into slavery. So I guess you would repeal anti-slavery laws? I can think of quite a few more alterations to face and body that could traumatize other people, esp children. If we want to live in a civilized world rather than a hell on earth, there have to be limits.