Ever since Donald Trump came down the golden escalators of Trump Tower in New York to announce his candidacy for president of the United States, many observers of politics and history have wondered, what next? Many of us, who consume political and world news like we do air, realized this was a historical moment, and all hell would be breaking loose if Trump somehow managed to win over Hillary Clinton.
Now, with the release of the John Durham Report, it is clear for all to see that the Deep State was engaged in a silent coup against Donald J. Trump. It began as a coup against candidate Trump, continued as a coup against President-elect Trump, and persisted as a coup against President Trump holding our highest office. The release of Special Counsel John Durham’s Report revealed that this was much more than the usual political dirty tricks and shenanigans. This was very much a coup-d’état or silent coup. This was a high crime.
Before we continue, it is important to understand terms that many of us are not familiar with because, until now, they have not been an issue.
What is an insurrection?
The Democrats falsely labeled the January 6 protests as an “armed insurrection.” Nobody came to the Capitol armed and by CNN’s own definition of protests from the “Summer of Love” 2020, the protest was “mostly peaceful”. The Insurrection Act of 1807 allows the President to deploy the military to suppress a rebellion. President Trump asked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi if she wanted him to call out the National Guard before that date arrived, and she declined.
Punishment for insurrection or rebellion can include up to 10 years in prison and the inability to hold public office.
What is a coup or coup d’état?
Dictionary.com defines a coup as “a sudden and decisive action in politics, especially one resulting in a change of government illegally or by force.” In short, it means to overthrow a government. Democrats have argued elements of January 6, 2021 events met the definition of an attempted coup. But if you consider the genuine possibility they stole the election after vote count processing mysteriously stopped the morning of November 4, 2020, they are the ones guilty of a silent coup. Keep in mind that Trump was ahead before the vote counting stopped and behind as soon as it continued.
Punishment for an attempt to overthrow a government by coup includes up to 20 years in prison and ineligibility for federal employment for the next five years.
The Deep State globalists, including the Fourth Branch of government (FBI/DOJ/DHS/NSA/CIA), engaged in a conspiratorial plot against Donald Trump from the moment he announced his candidacy. This was a coup committed as a white collar crime by people with positions of status. They all appear guilty of not putting the interests of the United States over those of the globalist elites and their own.
Most observers speculate the reason why this happened was that Donald Trump is a true patriot who believes in America’s sovereignty and was not going to allow a One World government on his watch. He believes in “America First” and was tired of seeing our country and its citizens (as taxpayers) getting the short end of the stick. He saw the issues of global climate change, overpopulation, health care, endless wars, mass starvation, mass poverty, and pandemics all as ploys to lead the world to allow a One World government. Therefore, a silent coup was the result and it was perpetrated by the Democrats, all four branches of government, as well as the mainstream media (to sell it to the public).
The bombshell of the Durham report revealed Hillary Clinton’s campaign contracted out with third parties to not only spy on candidate Trump’s emails and computer usage during his campaign but to hack into and spy on President-elect thereafter, as well as his computer/email/online usage as President in the White House! So a non-government group from the Hillary Clinton Campaign appears to have illegally spied on a legitimately elected and seated president of the United States by hacking into his computer servers. That is a felony.
So this was done, the Fourth Branch of government was in on it (How else do you hack a seated President’s computer?), and nobody has done anything about it. The Deep State, with cover from the Fourth Branch, ran a coup-d’état against a rightfully elected President during his entire presidency. Some would call this treason and sedition. Regardless, this is a felony.
Many Americans from all political walks of life do not trust our government. Americans today believe the Deep State government of Joe Biden is no longer just a “conspiracy theory” anymore.
Those involved need to be held accountable.
Copyright © 2023 by Mark S. Schwendau
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About the Author
Mark S. Schwendau is a retired technology professor who has always had a sideline in news-editorial writing where his byline has been, “Bringing little known news to people who simply want to know the truth.” He classifies himself as a Christian conservative who God cast to be a realist. His website is www.IDrawIWrite.Tech.