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When government wants to bury a story, they release the news on a Friday. When they REALLY want to bury a story, they release it during a weekend holiday when the vast majority of Americans are focused on anything other than the news.
The Department of Homeland Security decided to drop a bombshell release about an upcoming terrorist attack on Saturday, New Year’s Eve. According to the intelligence, al Qaeda is actively recruiting new suicide bombers to use aircraft in attacks on the United States that are similar to what took place on September 11, 2001. They will use different strategies and tactics, according to the memo.
Even though this was an internal memo, they knew with a certainty because of the vastness of the drop that it would be leaked to the press. As of two days following the drop, no corporate media outlet in the United States has reported on it.
Atlas News did, though their focus was on the taunting of the CIA:
This brings us to the most interesting topic broached in this publication: an insight into how AQ and Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi planned and executed the Camp Chapman bombing on December 30th, 2009. Not only did this publication include direct quotes from planners and al-Balawi himself, but it was accompanied by a 30-minute video that purports to show al-Balawi taunting the CIA before carrying out the triple-agent suicide bombing.
Another publication, Judicial Watch, highlighted how Federal Air Marshals who should be in the air prepared to stop such terrorist attacks are busy trying to help process illegal aliens at Joe Biden’s open border:
While the nation’s Federal Air Marshals (FAM) are busy on the Mexican border providing illegal immigrants with welfare checks, transportation, and other basic services, Al Qaeda is planning attacks in the U.S. involving planes, according to high-level Department of Homeland Security (DHS) sources. Judicial Watch obtained from government sources a copy of the new intelligence alert, which was delivered on December 31, 2022, at 12:23:52 Greenwich Mean Time. The caption of the widely circulated warning reads: “Al-Qaeda says upcoming attacks on US, possibly involving planes, will use new techniques and tactics.”
The threat could not come at a worse time, as the Biden administration leaves aircraft at risk by sending 150-200 FAM monthly to the southern border to help deal with what it calls “a surge in irregular migration.” The deployments will continue indefinitely, according to multiple FAM sources, and the specially trained aviation security specialists are outraged. The agency works under the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which was created after 9/11 to prevent another terrorist attack. FAM is charged with protecting commercial passenger flights by deterring and countering the risk of terrorist activity. Nevertheless, in late October, the Biden administration began deploying the highly trained law enforcement officers to busy Border Patrol sectors to help with hospital watch, transportation, security and welfare checks at migrant facilities.
Days later the Air Marshal National Council, which represents thousands of FAM nationwide, accused TSA Administrator David Pekoske and FAM Director Tirrell Stevenson of violating federal law and overstepping their authority by assigning air marshals to assist the U.S. Border Patrol with the illegal immigration crisis. In a formal complaint to the DHS Inspector General, the group also accused the Homeland Security leaders of fraud, waste, and abuse of authority. Sending air marshals to El Paso, Texas, San Diego, California, Laredo, Texas, McAllen, Texas, Tucson, Arizona and Yuma, Arizona to transport illegal immigrants and conduct welfare checks has no relation to TSA’s core mission of transportation security, the complaint states. “The statute does not give the Administrator any authority to deploy TSA or FAM employees to the southern border to perform non transportation security related matters,” the complaint to the DHS IG says. “Further, under section (g) the statute describes what the Administrators authority is if an emergency, as defined by the Secretary of Homeland Security, is declared.” The act makes clear that the legislative intent is to only allow TSA to exercise authority and deploy its assets for transportation security, the report to the DHS watchdog confirms.
Hours after learning about the latest Al Qaeda threat, the Air Marshal National Council fired off a letter to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas as well as Pekoske and Stevenson reminding them that deploying FAM to the southern border to perform humanitarian work is reckless and putting the nation at extreme risk. “We are once again requesting you immediately stop these dangerous and unnecessary deployments and let our FAMs do what the American taxpayers pay them to do, protect and defend our transportation system,” the letter reads. “We have to ask how can you justify sending FAMs to the border in huge numbers, when the border is in your words secure, and there is no emergency? Yet we have major security incidents happening right now affecting our aviation security.”
Sonya Hightower-LaBosco, a retired FAM who serves as executive director of the Air Marshal National Council, confirmed that FAM are still being pulled off flights at a rate of about 200 a month to serve illegal immigrants at stations along the Mexican border. “They are making sandwiches for them and driving them around like Uber or picking up supplies,” Hightower-LaBosco told Judicial Watch on New Year’s Day. The head of the council, David Londo, called the redeployment of air marshals to the southern border “insane” considering the latest aviation threat from Al Qaeda. “Either they don’t care about aviation security, or they really think it is secure,” Londo said.
Let’s hope corporate media can break away from touting Volodymyr Zelensky or lamenting Nancy Pelosi’s exit from Congress long enough to warn Americans that radical Islamic terrorists may be ready to strike our nation again.
Hard to know how much veracity one can glean from any CIA advice. They are completely untrustworthy, have demonstrated total contempt for all things American, and will, without blinken an eye, eliminate anything that stands between them and their deep state objectives…. including sacrificing thousands of innocent lives.
As long as they hit NYC or DC I couldn’t care less if they do pull it off. As far as I am concerned all terror plots are sponsored by the CIA and FBI to begin with
By Al Quaida they mean DOD, Darpa. CIA, etc. There’s only a half dozen folks left who actually believe the original 911 story.
Amen to that!!! And I believe the count is now down to 2 who believe Oswald was a lone shooter in Dallas, if he shot at all.
What building are they planting the explosives in this time? Oh, I know, look for who is taking out massive insurance loans “in case of terrorist attack”, and you’ll find who knows who did it it, err, I mean who is going to do it.
Well stated John!! What is beyond pathetic is that only a handful of Americans would have any idea what you just posted. THAT is how dull and daft this nation has become.
This time the insurance will be higher, after all Joe has to get his 10%.
Keep an eye on Biden. When you see him packing the whole familly off to visit China, head for the shelters. He didn,t spend 2 years smugleing people of ill will across our ” Sovern” southern BORDER for nothing!!
Really? And how does AQ think their going to get at us? Do they think they can just waltz right into our country unchecked and set up shop?
Oh, …
Wouldn’t it be ironic if their targets were sleepy joe and kamel toe and the administration of open borders from top to bottom? How about all the fake news outlets that claim patriots and good citizens are terrorrists? And maybe even schoolteachers who brainwash our kids into believing our country is inherently rasis and bad? If they hit the FBI, CIA and DHS just to illustrate their incompetence?Liberals who voted for all this? Oh, the sweet, sweet irony.
The attack will be timed to distract the populace from the deliberate and mischievous socio-economic destruction of the USA and the world at large by FJB, his minions and puppet-masters.
The Military might be wanting another 9/11 to suckered flyover-country American kids into patriotically protecting us from terrorists of the AL Quaeda variety, but will instead be shipped to Ukraine, Japan, and Taiwan.
Recruitment is way down. Gotta allow another event happen to lure more bodies into uniform.
IMHO, if they needed more bodies, they could reinstitute the draft.
Another false flag to distract from the incompetence of the left? Smells like they’ve used up all their other ideas and have to back to the ol’ “plane in the building trick.” Guess the domestic terrorists aren’t doing their job. Seems like the deep state is out of ideas again.
Oh great. On top of everything else, our government is about to attack us again.
If AQ’s target is anything and anywhere in DC, I wish them great success.
Uh Oh, looks like Liz Cheney has too much free time now. Another false flag 911-type event???
long enough to warn Americans that >> radical Islamic terrorists << may be ready to strike our nation again.
You misspelled CIA Operatives ……
I guess the CIA, DHS and FBI are planning something and trying to set the stage for the incident. I hear they can now seize control of the flight via hacking. Dangerous times indeed with all of the traitors in Government.
By “Al Qaeda” do they mean “Israel”?
You are an unbelievable anti-Semite. Do you ever get tired of going around to multiple websites and posting the same hateful garbage? At least get creative and use a different name.
How can anyone trust an agency that has total disregard for our borders and citizens?