Hanlon's Razor states, "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." That likely has never really been true, but today we must assume that everything bad...
Read moreDetailsIt's not breaking news to say that corporate media covered up the Hunter Biden laptop when it hit the news less than a month before the 2020 election. It...
Read moreDetailsIn front of a sparse group of supporters, Congresswoman Liz Cheney conceded her defeat to Trump-backed Harriet Hageman Tuesday night in the Wyoming Republican primary. With about half the...
Read moreDetailsPatriots are rightly angry with and frustrated by the attacks happening to Donald Trump. The Deep State seems bent on destroying him and they're coming after all of us...
Read moreDetailsThere are two types of comedians today: Those who are willing to go against the woke cancel culture and those who are no longer funny. Let's face it. Jokes...
Read moreDetailsFor those who don't have teen kids, I'll spoil it for you. "BDE" stands for "Big Dick Energy." Yep, she went there. Watch: https://twitter.com/TPostMillennial/status/1559006304257118208 Twitter exploded over #BDE, of...
Read moreDetailsWhen billionaire Elon Musk chimes in on politics, it's almost always about economic issues. Occasionally he'll tackle cultural topics, but for the most part he sticks with business, technology,...
Read moreDetailsAs more details are analyzed from the so-called Inflation "Reduction" Act, it's clear this will have effects that are the exact opposite of its name. Inflation will not be...
Read moreDetailsWhenever there's injustice done to someone popular, we can expect supporters of victims to flock to the scene of the "crime" to show support as well as to protest...
Read moreDetailsThe first 9 minutes, 48 seconds of Neil Oliver's weekly monologue was another incredible eye-opener that challenged listeners to question everything coming from the globalist elites. It's an excellent...
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