Fox News host Tucker Carlson dropped a bombshell about Joe Biden on last night’s show. During the campaign and almost certainly now as well, Jill Biden and staff members gave the aging man pills to boost his cognitive function before public events.
As quoted by Independent Sentinel:
“Well, it turned out, we learned later his staff, supervised by Dr. Jill, his wife, was giving him pills before every public appearance–checking the time and at a certain hour giving him a dose of something. Now it’s not a guess, we’re not making that up. We’ve spoken directly to someone who was there and saw it happen multiple times.
“Now, before taking the medications this person said, Biden was quote ‘Like a small child. You could not communicate with him, he changed completely because he was on drugs and he clearly still is on drugs.’ Someone’s pushing, we don’t know what those drugs are. We should know.”
This aligns with what many if not most Americans have suspected for some time. Any semblance of mental acuity is manufactured artificially. It’s a terrifying prospect that the man supposedly leading the free world cannot lead himself without drugs.
Biden is the biggest PIECE OF SHIT….a SENILE BASTARD.
I’m hoping he drops *dead* from a STROKE…or….HEART ATTACK.
He follows the ORDERS of his boss…. the “Head N*gger” Barack Obama.
The open Southern Border….is all Obama’s idea….
To bring in new Democrat VOTERS.
Barack Obama is a COMMUNIST….like his father….Frank Marshall Davis.