You are right. He is an idiot.
]]>But we have nothing to worry, evidently an instant replay is happening and once again the Space Force, taking time away from its important mission of recruiting TRANSGENDERS, and the DoD, taking time away from embezzling gov’t funds, are going to save the day as somehow they have all the goods on the election fraud, just like they did in 2020 but then they went silent!
This time we are told they were “afraid of civil war,” but now they aren’t?!?! So the DOD, which has been restructured to appear like the PLA of communist China and function like the Egyptian Army, and forbids the use of “mother” and “father” and “motherhood” shall be depended upon to “save the day” ——— is this still the CIA/Q/QAnon op or just a cartoon replay some twits are reenacting???
Dr. Halper-Hayes is spouting this and she’s a REAL DOCTOR because she sent a check to Mail Order University and they responded with a PhD certificate in something or something?!?!
And, sad to say, Gen. “Dunderhead” Flynn a d Trump repeat this nonsense?!