By now, just about everyone has heard about the genetically modified mosquito Bill Gates and his puppets in government have been releasing across the United States for some reason. They have their gobbledygook reasoning that they put out publicly, but they go totally silent when malaria suddenly pops up after two dormant decades in the United States shortly after their bug drops.
With the announcement of another two billion mosquitoes being put forth to bite us, actor Rob Schneider expressed his concerns:
What could go wrong with releasing 2 BILLION GMO mosquitoes?! When they bite people what exactly is going to be mosquito-injected into people? Don’t worry… I’m sure the Government and Bill Gates have our best interests in mind.
What could go wrong with releasing 2 BILLION GMO mosquitoes?! When they bite people what exactly is going to be mosquito-injected into people?
Don’t worry…
I’m sure the Government and Bill Gates have our best interests in mind.— Rob Schneider (@RobSchneider) August 10, 2023
He was referencing an article by Dr. Joseph Mercola published at Children’s Health Defense. Here are the highlights:
- Genetically engineered (GE) mosquitoes created by biotechnology company Oxitec have been released in the U.S. in Florida and Texas.
- In March 2022, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) granted Oxitec a two-year extension of its experimental use permit, or EUP, which would allow the biotech company to release additional GE mosquitoes in Florida as well as in four counties in California for the first time.
- While the EPA extended Oxitec’s EUP both the Florida Department of Agriculture and California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) must approve Oxitec’s testing in order for it to move forward in their states.
- Following pushback from legislators, California’s DPR announced Oxitec voluntarily withdrew its research authorization application to test its GE mosquitoes in California.
- Locally acquired malaria has been nonexistent in the U.S. for the last 20 years, but five such cases have recently been diagnosed — four in Florida and one in Texas.
As Schneider asked, “What could go wrong?” Of course, the answer is, “everything, just as they have planned.”
It has been a few years since the first releases —— first live tests —— of those supposedly “Dengue–fighting mosquitoes” at various global sites and wherever they were released a Zika virus explosion coincided?!
Horrible to expectant mothers . . . . and a curse and bane on their Zika children!!!
Of course, Discovery magazine ran a “debunking” story which made little to no scientific sense, along the lines of that “Proximal Origin of Bulltwacky” which Fauci financed! (Perhaps the ghost writer was the great climate scientist, Greta Thunberg?)
The same type of mosquito which carries Dengue alao carries and transmits Zika —— accident, or by design?! Bill Gates is the same fellow★★ who gave the world Microchips Biotech Inc. –— a company involved with REMOTE CONTROL BIRTH CONTROL! (Now why in the world would that be necessary? Enforced or forced birth control most likely!) This has since been sold off to a French biopharmaceutical company but maybe the Gates Foundation owns them? Really structured as a super–investment and FINANCIAL INFLUENCER firm, the Gates Foundation has long paid the salaries of twenty to thirty senior managers at the WHO, through a process known as SECONDMENTS!
★★ What is the nexus point or common intersection between the following: the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI), the CCP’s Social Credit System, Moderna (modeRNA), Jeffrey Epstein, Oxitec, Monsanto, Idemia, Microchips Biotech Inc., Onfida, ID2020, ID40 Multi–Donor Trust Fund, Better Than Cash Alliance, Earth Now LLC, BioNTech, Biomatics Capital, Particles for Humanity, TerraPower, Impossible Foods, Ginkgo Bioworks, the WHO, Dr. Fauci, World Bank, Advocates For Youth, Harvard University’s Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment, or SCoPEx —- ANSWER: Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation