Yosandri Mulet Almarales, one of the more than 1,110 political prisoners confirmed in communist Cuba, died on Monday after attempting to commit suicide last week, several Cuba-focused outlets reported.
Mulet Almarales, 38 at the time of his death, was sentenced in December 2022 to ten years in prison alongside seven other men on “sedition” charges for participating in the historic July 11, 2021, wave of anti-communist protests in Cuba. On that day, hundreds of thousands of Cubans took to the streets to demand an end to more than six decades of communist rule in their nation.
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Mulet Almarales received his sentence for having participated in local protests that took place in La Güinera, an impoverished neighborhood located in the outlying Havana city of Arroyo Naranjo. Cuban prosecutors accused him at the time of “complying with the repeated exhortations disseminated through social networks that incited the people of Cuba to demonstrate, violently and simultaneously, in different locations and to disregard the authority of Cuban state institutions, with the purpose of altering the socialist order.”
In addition to his ten-year prison sentence, Mulet Almarales was reportedly enslaved by the Castro regime authorities.
Martí Noticias, a U.S.-based outlet focused on Cuba, reported on Monday that, according to family members’ testimonies, Mulet Almarales jumped on Friday from the Calabazar Bridge located near his residence in Havana before returning from a furlough to the penitentiary center where he carried out forced labor. He was transferred to the intensive care unit of the Julio Trigo Hospital in Havana, where he remained in critical condition for three days before dying from his injuries on Monday. […]
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