(End of the American Dream)—Birth rates have plummeted to record lows all over the industrialized world, and this has very serious implications for our future. If something is not done to reverse this, native populations will fall very rapidly in wealthy countries during the years ahead, and there won’t be nearly enough young workers to support the entitlement programs that the elderly are counting on.
Meanwhile, nations where birth rates are still above replacement level (such as in the Islamic world) will become more powerful and will play a more dominant role in world affairs. Despite all of our advanced technology, population numbers still matter, and we really are facing a demographic collapse of epic proportions.
Here in the United States our birth rate has been below replacement level for many years, and now the average woman in the United States is only giving birth to about 1.6 children over the course of a lifetime…
In the US, the birth rate has been falling since the Great Recession, dropping almost 23 percent between 2007 and 2022. Today, the average American woman has about 1.6 children, down from three in 1950, and significantly below the “replacement rate” of 2.1 children needed to sustain a stable population.
Our birth rate has already been cut in half, and it is being projected that it will fall even more during the years that are in front of us.
Many have pointed out that we will not be able to economically support our aging population if this continues…
Institute for Family Studies senior fellow Brad Wilcox said that we may already be seeing the effects.
“Below-replacement fertility means closing schools, shrinking college enrollments, fewer workers and consumers, and not enough taxes to pay for entitlements. We’re already seeing low fertility fallout hitting schools and colleges. But it will have big consequences for the economy as well, given that there will be relatively fewer workers and consumers, and less entrepreneurial activity, as the population of young adults in America falls across much of the nation,” Wilcox told Fox News Digital.
Illegal immigration is the primary reason why the U.S. population has continued to rise even though we aren’t replacing ourselves.
This year, we are seeing an enormous tsunami of people coming over our southern border each day…
Illegal entries at U.S. borders remain at historic levels as the Biden mass migration catastrophe continues to intensify.
Apprehensions of illegal aliens along the southwest frontier alone are now surpassing 10,000 on a daily basis, while migrants and smugglers also exploit other borders and ports of entry.
On Friday, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) recorded more than 13,000 apprehensions across the U.S. — a figure that does not include known or unknown ‘gotaways.’
It is the same story over in Europe. Native populations are not replacing themselves, and immigrants are making up the difference.
As of 2020, the average woman in Italy was only giving birth to 1.24 children over the course of a lifetime…
The number of newborns in Italy has been in steady decline since the 2008 financial crisis, with the average number of children for each woman standing at 1.24 as of 2020 – among the lowest fertility rates in the EU. At the same time, the population is rapidly ageing – the number of centenarians in Italy has tripled over the last 20 years to 22,000 – placing even more pressure on government finances.
The birth rate in Italy has continued to fall since then, and on Saturday Elon Musk publicly encouraged Italian women to start having more children…
While addressing the crowd Musk also encouraged Italians to have more children. And it’s no wonder. Despite Musk’s interest in procreation, Italy does have one of the lowest birth rates in the world.
Between January and June of 2023 there were 3,500 fewer births than in the same period of 2022, according to data from national statistics ISTAT. And in the year 2022, birth rates fell for a 14th consecutive drop by 1.7% to 1.18 for women of Italian nationality, and 1.24 to include new mothers who are immigrants. To address these unprecedented numbers, Meloni set aside around 1 billion euros to combat the declining birth rate in October.
Of course Italy is far from alone. In my new book I share statistics from other countries in Europe where birth rates have also fallen to depressingly low levels.
In Asia, things are even worse.
If you doubt this, just check out these numbers…
In South Korea, the birth rate is down to 0.81 children per woman. In China, after decades of a strictly enforced one-child policy, the population is shrinking for the first time since the 1960s. In Taiwan, the birth rate stands at 0.87.
When your country is more than 50 percent below replacement level, that is a major crisis.
South Korea actually has the lowest fertility rate in the entire industrialized world, and that rate is expected to keep dropping for at least several more years…
South Korea’s total fertility rate, the number of births from a woman in her lifetime, is now expected to drop from 0.78 in 2022 to 0.65 in 2025, according to the government’s Statistics Korea.
In a worst-case scenario, that rate could go as low 0.59 births per woman in 2026, the agency said.
What is South Korea going to look like if this continues?
Needless to say, governments around the world have recognized that there is a problem, and many of them have put incentives in place to encourage parents to have more children. But despite everything that has been tried, nothing has really worked…
The drop has frightened lawmakers and commentators alike, with headlines warning of a coming “demographic crisis” or “Great People Shortage” as economies find themselves without enough young workers to fill jobs and pay taxes. To stem the tide, the world’s leaders have tried everything from generous social welfare programs to pink-and-blue awareness campaigns to five-figure checks to veiled threats, all to relatively little avail. “Even the richest, savviest, most committed governments have struggled to find policies that produce sustained bumps in fertility,” Trent MacNamara, a history professor at Texas A&M who has written about fertility rates, told Vox in an email. “If such policies were discoverable, I think someone would have discovered them.”
Unfortunately, many people out there simply do not understand the importance of this issue.
The family is one of the fundamental building blocks of civilization.
Without strong families, we cannot have a strong society.
For example, one recent study discovered that neighborhoods in the United States “with a greater percentage of traditional two-parent households have less crime”
Conservative Christians have known it all along: Neighborhoods with a greater percentage of traditional two-parent households have less crime. That’s likely why the traditional family has been under direct assault by what can only be called satanic forces for many decades. As goes the traditional nuclear family, so goes Western civilization.
The proof is plain as day. A report Tuesday by the Institute for Family Studies concluded that neighborhoods with strong families are safer. Safer neighborhoods mean safer cities and towns. Safer cities and towns mean safer counties and states. A safer country leads to prosperity and stability for all.
If we want our country to succeed, we should be doing all that we can to encourage strong marriages and strong families.
Sadly, at this point more Americans than ever are not getting married…
A quarter of 40-year-olds in the United States have never been married, according to an analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data by the Pew Research Center.
As Statista’s Anna Fleck reports, this marks the highest figure since the data first started being published back in 1900, and a major leap from the 6 percent low of 1980.
Instead, young Americans are increasingly opting for alternative lifestyles.
Right now, a news story about a congressional staffer engaging in an alternative lifestyle with another man in a Senate hearing room is going viral all over social media…
Leaked amateur pornography shows a congressional staffer having anal sex with an unknown man in the Senate hearing room, video obtained by the Daily Caller shows.
The alleged staffer can also be seen in a photo, naked on all fours, looking back at the camera on the table where Senators often sit to ask questions during a hearing. It appears to be unprotected sex.
A source identified the room to the Daily Caller as Senate room Hart 216- The Judiciary Room. The Caller blurred out his face because his identity has not been confirmed.
No matter how much you may want to deny it, this is who we have become as a nation. And if we stay on this path, there is no future for us.
At this moment, the United States really is facing a demographic collapse of epic proportions.
Let’s hope that Americans start having more children, but at this stage there are no indications that current cultural trends will reverse any time soon.
Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.
They have NOT “acknowledged the problem”, in fact, in some countries you can be put in prison for doing so.
The problem is the “vaccine”.
My 32 yr old daughter was pregnant. Then forced to get the vaccine. She then had a miscarriage. Now she can’t get pregnant. Doctors told her she’s no longer producing eggs.
It wasn’t until 1930 at the Anglican church’s Lambeth conference that Christianity got on board with birth control. Now how many Christians use contraception? What would happen at a well attended conference of Christians now if this topic were to be addressed? Wives would be furious. You could hear a pin drop. Many self professed Christians will say “Well things are so expensive nowadays, we can only afford one-maximum two kids”. I know a Christian writer whose son had severe health issues costing tens of thousands of dollars for the parents. However for every married couple like his with a serious reason to avoid more children maybe there are 15 couples who are risk averse in the extreme, comfort living and who see having a less than materially blissful marriage as unthinkable. I’ll tell a true story about a man who had 6 children. When he married he and his wife immediately began having children. Pregnant with child #1 they had to flee a country over a real threat of kidnapping. The first child nearly died twice. The 2nd child was diagnosed with leukemia. After 9 and a half years of marriage, job losses, struggles of all types and low wages, his wife died. He remarried 2 years later and had a 6th child with his second wife. The most he’s ever earned has been appx $54,000 in a year. His kids don’t use drugs. Two have been in the Armed Forces to cover college costs. Two more may soon join. Yes you can have a larger family but be sure you discuss family before you go steady with a person. The man credits his Catholic Christian faith and the rosary with helping him make it through. Most American women and new, honestly, want ease and days without sacrifice and are feminists-the men too. Consider non American women but there are great American girls out there, too.
While I agree 100%, and have been calling attention to this problem for years, Snyder made a perfect argument AGAINST his own position, by (bizarrely) trying to fit the Senate homosexual porn scandal into this article. The
reader will likely wonder what on earth that has to do with his call to America to have more children, then ask
himself, “On the other hand, isn’t that man the perfect article that not all Americans should have children?” At
minimum, that was a bizarre square to try and fit inside a circle here. At maximum, it completely undid the
argument in his otherwise column.
No, it would depend on whether or not one believes homosexuality is a genetic, innate characteristic they’re born with, or is a sinful learned behavior. On that question, the data is exposing fact, more and more, that God’s word is indeed correct – it is rebellious, sinful behavior. Porneia is like a cancer.
He is just as easily an example of someone who was lured away from the Lord, and brainwashed into that abominable sin over the course of his lifetime, as he is an example of someone who shouldn’t have children.
Many Christians, now a days, wouldn’t dream of having more than two kids. They will say it’s too expensive. The problem is love of comfort and feminism. These are the main drivers behind Christians using birth control and the resulting small families. For every couple with serious and extremely costly medical issues to deal there are a dozen more who are able to have large families but many are extremely risk averse to the prospect of a large number of children. One of the biggest scare tactics intimidating Christians to have tiny families is the high cost of college. If you tell your kids “You have to pay for college” they will work Summer jobs and or enlist in the Armed Forces and get the GI Bill. Raising a large family is not the huge costly deal it’s claimed to be but if you confront Christians about it in a big setting you’ll be looking into the faces of adults with killer stares. Then they wonder why their kids vote Democrat and behave like pagans and postpone child bearing for a decade after marrying. Birth control is the giant elephant in the room and only became entrenched among Christians after 1930’s Anglican Lambeth Conference supported it. Prior to that condemnation of birth control was nearly universal among Christian churches. God said to man: “Be fruitful and multiply”. Very few Christians practice that now and few Christians (Catholics and other serious Protestants) will broach this topic of artificial contraception, its huge impact contributing to the birth dearth and the vocation for Christians to have large families that could reverse this grave demographic crisis. Let’s see if Discern Report will practice censorship on this topic or let it get through the filter.
“There won’t be nearly enough young workers to support the entitlement programs that the elderly are counting on.”
When I read statements like this one or hear people blame the elderly, it signals total ignorance. The elderly do not get entitlements, they get benefits that they paid for and earned with matching funds from their employers or self-employment. The job of government was to invest these funds and with the economic historic growth through the decades, these funds should be bursting at the seams with profit like the rail road retirement fund that opted out of social security. Greedy politicians made sure it did not happen. Instead they used this money as a slush fund, limited the money’s investment capability and gave the money to people who never earned it or weren’t entitled to it.
You are an immigrant 65 and older from say Ukraine, you get social security. You will find this information on the state department website for the corresponding countries. Americans not so lucky as the politicians keep pushing back the retirement age in hopes you don’t live long enough to collect. Come across the border with some aliment, you get social security disability and Medicaid. One of the processors did an interview readily available on Youtube. Yes and let’s ignore the statistics that 80% of the illegals are still on the welfare system after 5 years and 60% are still on welfare after 10 years. It is an absolute joke that these politicians believe these are the same illegals that will go fight their wars for citizenship. A grand delusion at best that is the main driver of inflation and price gouging. You work illegally using someone else’s social security number, the government slides the money into the general fund to spend on non-sense (see Social Security reports on their website), which even my own representative was shocked to learn and read about when I sent him the link. The government does not even bother to notify the person that their identity has been stolen. Imagine that! One third of the inmates in prison are using someone’s identity per a government study and the government along with a potential employer never does any notification to the American citizen who is being cheated out of life.
Then the government keeps transferring more and more money from Medicare to Medicaid to pay for children, illegals, indigent healthcare for inmates and those seeking gender surgery. At the same time, the price of Medicare for the elderly keeps going up with those at the bottom of the rung, due to offsets or low earnings, paying 15.5% of their social security for just basic Medicare. Almost the exact amount they paid for their entire working life with matching employer funds. Notice the word “offsets”. It is money the government takes from the elderly for any one stupid enough to go into teaching no matter how short the time period and implemented against anyone younger than 50 in 2004. Age discrimination per the government starts at 40. So how has this law not been over turned? Imagine being 49 and finding out the government can magically erase years you worked under social security if you didn’t earn the average wage amount of men and women combined. Boom 9 years gone with the stroke of a pen. These lifetime offsets mean lower COLA’s and a small pension that never receives a COLA. So many of the elderly are getting less and less money as inflation spirals out of control. To avoid ever having to file bankruptcy due to high deductibles on medical care and prescriptions along with an additional 15% of excess billing not covered by Medicare that can be billed to an unsuspecting population due to lobbyists, this elderly population has to take out Medigap at a current rate of $124.12 month to keep out of pocket at $300 for medical and $2,000 for prescriptions. Out of the recent 3.2% for 2024, this lousy $35 is lost by raising Medicare $10.80, Medigap raising the premium $20 per month, and prescription coverage $3 leaving granny with $1.08 COLA to cover the increase in gas, food, vehicle/home insurance, electric and garbage pickup increases. These tactics effect at least 15% of the total elderly population, the largest voting base, who will now stop showing up to vote as none of them work for us and want us dead. Politicians, like Ted Cruz, promised to fix it, but did nothing. Now Mike Thompson wants to raid social security and Medicare again at the behest of Demonrats. GOP governor Abbott cut off the second COLA in the history of Texas for retired teachers from 2020 and before. Why? The majority of the offsets effected teachers who retired in 2021 and beyond. When did the offsets legislation pass? 2004 along with a change to health care eligibility. And who was in control? The GOP. After the offsets passed, the state GOP under Rick Perry then changed the pension calculations from your three highest years of pay to five years to pay less and then underfunded the plan. Sad, but true and shocking to those that did not stay informed and reach retirement age to find they must keep working. Ah yes, the elusive work problem, because no one wants to hire ex-teachers for fear they are commie’s or libtard activists. This whole charade was based on the theory of “unjust enrichment”, but it is commonly known by those effected as “unjust poverty” as these same politicians pay illegals $2,000 a month. Yet an American that worked their entire life around minimum wage or more earns $1,000 a month prior to any Medicare deduction. The precedent has been set and soon the politicians will implement the same against every one. Not to mention that the majority of Medicare/Medicaid fraud is done by doctors and medical suppliers with very little restitution back to the fund.
The majority of elderly in the US now know that the government wants us dead, no matter the party. Operation Warp Speed to the grave that began in nursing homes is all we needed to see. So when no one believes the 2024 election cycle results, you’ll now know why and are only fooling yourselves. Every last one of them can go “f” themselves, because that is what they having been doing to every one born 1960 and before for decades. Now it is their turn. They have finally reaped what they have sowed and can now wallow in it.
We don’t need more people, we need a whole lot less government and make welfare a hand up with only a three year life time payout available to every one, not a hand out no matter whether it is funded under social service or DHS. The last step is to stop all these wars, which does nothing but end in death, destruction and inflation. History proves me right while you’re still drinking political kool-aid. It is one big uniparty and you my friend are not part of it, nor are the politicians, who mistakenly believe they will be protected. The Great Reset will take them down as well. Unless of course you lived in Texas for a long time, which the GOP just recently slid the Uniform Commercial Code changes for the great reset into law this year and it is not retroactive.
Tucker hits the nail right on the head, the GOP hates their voters, but is still blind that they also want us impoverished and dead. https://rumble.com/v427hie-tucker-carlson-the-republican-party-really-do-hate-their-own-voters-in-a-wa.html