It wasn’t too long ago when around half of the nation considered illegal aliens to be “serious” or “very serious.” And it wasn’t just under President Trump that this was the case. Even under his two predecessors, the issue was a topic for discussion but pretty much no Democrats and just most Republicans thought there was a crisis at the border.
Fast-forward to three short years under the Biden regime and things are far worse. Moreover, just about everyone sees it, including Democrats.
According to The National Pulse:
The vast majority of Americans – 81 percent – believe that illegal immigration into the United States is becoming a “serious problem” for the country, according to a recent survey conducted by Rasmussen Reports, which found that majorities from all political parties share concerns about the number of people entering the country.
Of those who believe it is a serious problem, more than half – 52 percent – argue it is a “very serious” issue. Only 16 percent of those surveyed do not consider illegal migration a serious problem.
Rasmussen pollsters also asked the 996 likely U.S. voters, “which political party do you trust more to handle immigration.” Only 37 percent of respondents said they trusted Joe Biden and the Democrats more than Republicans, compared to 49 percent who have more trust in the GOP. That includes 54 percent of white people, 39 percent of black people, and 53 percent of “other minorities.”
The real story here isn’t that 81% see the obvious. The headscratcher is how 19% simply can’t see it.
Those on tranq, MDPV, MDAA, and THC–laced skunkweed?!?!
How many are well paid, equity government workers with the IQs of door knobs?!?!
The extraordinary number of brutal murders of the elderly, especially women and vile murders of young girls and children and others?!
A serious problem?!
Al Qaeda, ISIS, Hezbollah, Hoqqani Network and criminals and communist subversives from EVERYWHERE?!?!
I recall back in 2015, or 2016, when working through a day labor shop (having been reduced to that in a nation of mass jobs orffshoring, insourcing of illegals and foreign visa workers, and equity employment) and they had trouble with some Hezbollah from Venzuela; illegals, of course?! At first I thought they were confused and questioned if they meant Lebanon, but NO, they were Hezbollah from some sort of Hezbollah community in Venezuela —- so all those ILLEGALS from Venezuela may be also be something else?!
Nobody today in America should ever open their door to any stranger, regardless of what they claim to be, unless you are well armed and packing at the time, but even then . . .