On a cost-adjusted basis, California leads the nation in percentage living in poverty.
Blame the Progressive oligarchs like Governor Newsom. Unemployment rates from the BLS through April. State level data lags by one month. Chart by Mish. Warning to the World
Spiked makes a strong case that a dominant class of oligarchs and woke bureaucrats has bled the Golden State dry. It’s a Warning to the World . Many still see California as the home of a ‘ new progressive era ’. It is often viewed as an exemplar of social equity, one that reflects, as a New York Times column put it, ‘the shared values of our increasingly tolerant and pluralistic society’. In truth, far from embodying an egalitarian ethos, it is pioneering a new kind of almost feudal society. A relative handful of oligarchs and a vast bureaucratic ‘clerisy’ […]
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